“It’ll be okay,” Aegaeon promised, swimming ahead of me.
He was determined too. Determined to save his human.
We dove deeper and deeper, heading straight for some of the caverns we rarely visited. I wasn’t sure why they would take him here, but I hoped we got to him in time.
“Once I mate him, we will have less of a fight,” Aegaeon said. “I am a son of the gods, after all, and their leader.”
I nodded and slowed as we entered a tunnel, listening for Matt.
Aegaeon turned his head, his tail swishing behind him.
He’s close,he whispered into my mind, switching to the link that only the two of us shared.
To the right,I answered, moving towards the opening of a tunnel.
I heard a faint whimper and started to move forward, but Aegaeon caught me, drawing me back.
Wait. Let me go first, love.
I nodded, letting him slip by me. I watched as he summoned some of his power to dull his light, blending in with the shadows.
I will call for you. Wait here. I will return.
I’d been kidnapped by two vicious mermen, ones that wanted to actually eat me.
One of them hissed at me, baring his fangs in my face. I fought the urge to close my eyes, staring him down.
“To think that our leader would keep you alive,” one of them sneered. “Kolp will be pleased we stole you away.”
“Kolp. Like kelp? You’d think all of you could be more original,” I quipped, which earned me a punch straight to the gut.
I grunted, choking on a cry, pain radiating through my entire body
I’d taken my fair share of punches having lived out on the sea for so long with a bunch of burly men. Hell, I’d thrown my fair share too.
There was something a lot heftier about how these merbastards threw theirs.
“Do not speak to us,” the other growled.
I turned my gaze to him, trying not to feel a wave of awe again. They were my captors and ready to tear me to shreds, and still all I could think about was how fucking cool it was that every merman was different.
Also, I was amazed by the fact that we were in deep darkness, and I could see them perfectly.
And not because they glowed like Aegaeon either.
This was different.
The mating bite on my neck burned, and I felt my chest tighten. I could feel Delphin reaching for me, calling for me.
He would come for me. I knew it.
I had saved him and he would save me.
Fucking hell, I had it bad. I’d known Delphin for… how long had it been since I’d seen him at the bottom of my boat?