Page 199 of Lost in the Dark

His teeth bit into my neck and I arched my body against him, needing more closeness as a moan of ecstasy escaped my lips. "Oh, gods."

"They won't help you now," he said, moving to capture my mouth with his. I kissed him back, wrapping one leg around what I assumed had to be a waist. I wanted to feel the crush of his body, feel the pressure of his cock against me.

Assuming he had a cock…

My waking brain threatened to rip me from this dream, but the press of his tip against my entrance pulled me right back to this moment. I didn't care if this wasn't real. I needed release, needed him.

"Please," I begged, trying to push against him, make him enter me. "I need you."

"No one has ever said that before," he said, his words tinged with sorrow. He moved just a fraction, his fabulous member nudging through my lips. Something banged in the distance, but I didn't want to hear it. I just wanted to be in this moment with him.

He kissed me again, deeper this time, sharp teeth grazing my tongue, my lips. Hands cupped my breasts, stroked my body, too many hands for a mere human. I didn't care, it felt amazing.

Bang bang bang bang.


Ash froze, pulled away from me just a little.

"Are you okay?"

The words infiltrated my dream and I could see Ash slipping away, leaving me wet and throbbing with desire.

"No, don't go." I reached for him, tried to draw him back.

"Do you want me to come to you?" he asked.

"Yes." I'd never wanted anything more.


"Keziah! Don't make me get them to come unlock this." Jenny was persistent, if nothing else.

I dragged myself from the bed, glad I was still fully clothed, and hobbled to the door. "I was asleep," I said, leaning against the frame. I hoped she could tell it was the truth. Those pain meds were something else, giving me crazy sex dreams about something monstrous and dark. I throbbed with need, and just wanted Jenny to leave so I could climb back into bed and get myself off. I needed relief, the sooner the better.

To my surprise, it was dark outside, and the smell of something delicious hit my nostrils.

"You bought me dinner," I said, noticing that she had a covered tray in her hands, feeling slightly less peeved about the rude awakening. "Thank you."

Jenny shrugged. "When I didn't see you at dinner, I thought maybe you were in too much pain to come. Didn't want you to miss out."

I wanted to say that I was sure the staff would have delivered something, but she was standing there looking all sweet and kind. "That was so thoughtful. Thank you." If there had been a way for me to take the tray and close the door then, I would have, but it wasn't possible, so I stepped to the side and let her enter.

Thank fuck I didn't have an actual shadow monster man in my bed. Just in my head. And damn, but I wanted to get back to that dream if I could.

"How are you feeling?" she asked as she placed the tray on the table and then turned towards me.

"I'm exhausted," I said, yawning dramatically and trying to straighten my hair. "I didn't know how much the pain would take out of me. Hopefully, after some more sleep, I'll be feeling fit for company again."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jenny raised her eyebrows, and I knew she wasn't talking about my little accident.

I pressed my lips together, not wanting to seem rude, but desperately needing her out of my space before the thrum in my body dissipated and I couldn't manage the orgasm that I desperately needed.

"Not tonight, sorry." I covered my mouth and yawned again. "I'll eat something quickly and then I just want to go back to sleep. Rest is the best medicine!"

Jenny nodded, though she looked like she was going to say something else. She must have changed her mind because she walked back out the door, stopping on the top step of the cabin. "I'm coming by first thing tomorrow, so we can talk."

I sighed. "Okay. In the morning. Thanks again." I gave her a smile as I pushed the door closed and locked it behind me.