Page 127 of Lost in the Dark

I stumbled backwards, heading for anywhere else. My steps were a blur as I ran, but by the time I got to the edge of the forest, I heard Michael call out. “Violet! Where the fuck are you going?”

“Anywhere!”I screamed over my shoulder and kept on going, charging into the forest. “As long as it’s not near you!"

His response carried, even as I plunged into the darkness of the trees. “Look! Don’t get pissy, it was just a joke!”

Just a joke, my fucking ass.

I couldn’t believe I'd wasted six fucking years with that loser. Six years, to be dragged out here so he could watch his best friend fuck me. The tears kept coming as the anger burned hot inside me.

So hot that I didn’t feel the coldness wrap its arms around me and I didn’t see the darkness closing in on all sides. I just kept on walking, because I couldn't turn back.No way…no goddamn way.


Tears still rolled down my cheeks, but I kept on walking, using my rage to propel me forward. Branches snappedunder my feet. I kicked against something hard and stumbled forward, windmilling my arms until I caught my fall against the trunk of a tree.

Pain exploded through my palm. I let out a moan and cradled my hand as I kept on moving. All I wanted to do was get away from him, get awayfrom them.

I kept walking, even when my warm tears no longer slipped down my cheeks and I realized I’d walked a long way…so far that I’d lost sight of the campgrounds. I stopped, turned all the way around, tried to peer through the blur of my pain, and whispered. “Shit,what the fuck have I done?”

How far had I walked?

It couldn’t have been far. I’d only been walking for a minute, maybe two…it couldn’t have been more than that. Fear trickled into my thoughts. I turned around and started back…but then I stopped. Was this the way I’d come?

My tears started to fall again, but now it was for a totally different reason. I was feeling sorry for myself.Pathetic, lonely… And I was fucking lost.“Hey!” I called out. “Michael, can you hear me?”

I kept moving forward, thinking this was the way back, until my feet slipped on slick leaves and I plunged headlong into nothingness.

I hit the ground with athud.Agony shot through my shoulder. I cried out and rolled, and the agony eased a little. “Oww, Jesus. What the fuck?”

I pushed upwards, winced, and looked down. Goddamn it. What the hell was that? The pain eased as I massaged my shoulder, working movement back into the joint, and looked up.

Not even the moonlight reached down here. It was like looking into nothing. I pushed upright and waited for my eyes to adjust.

Where the fuck was I?

“Hey!”I screamed. “Can anyone hear me?”

Movement came from up on the ridge above me. Black on black shifted, making me freeze. It was too big to be an animal, standing upright like a man.“Michael?”I called. “Is that you?”

He never answered, just stood there watching me as I slapped wet leaves from my face. “This isn’t funny. I’m hurt down here.” I swallowed my pride. “Can you at least get me out?”

I stepped forward, then hit the steep embankment, tripped, and fell to my knees.

The shadow above let out a savage, guttural sound, standing the hairs on the back of my neck.

“Michael?” I whispered, but I wasn’t so sure anymore. “Is that you?”

My knees buckled as the shadow jumped and hit the bottom of the ravine with athud.

Shadows didn’t move like that…and neither did men.

Fear turned into terror as I stumbled backwards. Still, that savage sound grew until it reverberated all around me…before I turned and leaped away.


It’s not her.

Not the princess…