"Sometimes you have to let it out," Jenny said. Her voice was so soft and reassuring, so different to how I thought of her, though now my opinion would be forever changed. "Do you have friends or family that can help you get back on your feet?" she asked.
I shook my head and swallowed down another wave of grief. "There's no one left."
Jenny blew out a breath, as if her hope for me was evaporating. Then she sat up straighter. "Where's your phone? I want you to save my number and call me or text me anytime."
I pointed to the bedside table and Jenny went to get the phone, passing it to me to unlock. She entered her details and then handed it back. "There."
"Thank you," I said. I felt hollowed out in a way that I hadn't before. I'd never said this much about my situation to anyone, but I could tell that Jenny got it. She'd been here before, and that was what I needed. I just hadn't known.
"There are some really good services to help you get back on track. Therapy is important." When I opened my mouth, she shook my head and continued to speak. "No, don't tell me you don't need it. We all do. Getting out is one thing, getting past it is an entirely different thing. Your trust is going to be shot for a long time, but the best way to regain it is with support." She reached across the table and squeezed my hand. I squeezed back, giving her a weak smile.
It was about all I had in me.
"I'm going to let you rest. You look even more shattered than when I arrived." She bit her bottom lip, looking apologetic. "I just knew we needed to talk. I needed to reach out and make sure you knew that I knew."
"Thank you." I inhaled deeply, holding the breath in before releasing it. Jenny's understanding was more than I could have hoped for, and I just knew that she would be instrumental in helping to keep me safe. "I don't have the right words to say how much this meant to me. It's hard as fuck to talk about, but… Well, you know."
"I do." Jenny stood then, giving my shoulder a squeeze before she headed to the door. "Rest up, and I'll check in on you later. Think you'll be up to any activities later?"
I scrunched my face up. "Remind me what's on?"
"We're off on a walk soon, and then I think we're doing some activities in one of the conference rooms this afternoon."
"I'll be there for that," I said, feeling at least ninety percent sure I could manage it.
"Excellent. Rest well!" She closed the door behind her.
I sat at the table and snacked on pastries until my belly was full and the urge to get clean was strong enough to force me from the chair. A shower and a fresh change of clothes would do me the world of good.
I'd been purposely avoiding the shadows beneath my bed.
Jenny's company had been a good distraction, but after a shower and another coffee, I felt fortified enough to face them. Carefully, I lowered myself to the ground, appreciating the warm, fluffy rug that partially covered the wooden floorboards. My heart thudded hard as I lay flat on the floor, resting my chin on my hands, gaze fixated on the floor.
"You need not fear me." The whisper made my eyes jerk up, latching onto the purple stare in front of me.
I had to stop myself from shoving backwards and running from the cabin, but his stare kept me pinned in place.
"You're not real."
"I am as real as you want me to be," he said. I'd heard those words before, in my dream.
Maybe I was dreaming again.
"You're wide awake," he assured me, as though he could read my thoughts, or perhaps they were written plainly across my face.
"I must be. This is…" I licked dry lips, wishing I had something stronger than painkillers in the room. "We…" My face flushed as I thought about the things we had done. The things he had done to me. I couldn't deny the ache that flared in my core at the memory. I wanted him. Wanted more. Even if I didn't know what he was or how this had come to be.
"Yes." I could hear the smirk in his voice, even if I couldn't see his mouth. The only things that were visible were those eyes and the crackles of purple lightning across his body.
"What are you?" I asked, my voice coming out hoarse. Did I really want to know the answer to this question? There was a literal monster under my bed, I was sure. A monster that my skin craved the touch of.
I flashed back to the way his sharp teeth had nipped at my neck, my nipples.
How was I horny for him? I'd not felt lust in so long that I'd almost forgotten how it felt to crave the touch of another. And I didn't know if I had ever felt a lust like this before.
He had to be bad news. I never chose the good ones.
But he'd chosen me…