“Angel, come here. Walk over to me.” I say to the baby boy as I crouch down and wave him over to me.
I start up the video and prop it up on the coffee table so that I can capture it.
Angle has a big smile on his face and a look of determination that tells me that this is it.
“Allie, come here. Help me get your brother to walk.” I tell the little girl that is currently coloring on the floor.
She looks up and gives me a nod before abandoning the coloring book and coming over to me, copying my stance.
“C’mon, baby walk over to us. Walk over.” I say as I wiggle my fingers at Angel with the biggest smile on my face.
He lets out a laugh that comes from deep in his belly and he takes a step and then two.
“That’s it. You can do it.” I encourage him, as Allie claps her hands for him. Angel lets out another laugh and takes a few more steps.
Both Allie and clap for him. “Yes, my sweet boy. You can do it. Just a few more steps.”
Angel stops about three feet away from me and Allie and claps at our enthusiasm.
Without thinking, I leave my spot and grab my phone, ending the video and starting dialing Dante through video call.
He has to see this.
Dante’s face comes onto the screen after the fourth ring.
“Arianna?” He says, sounding a bit confused. Most likely because in the time I have worked for him, I have never called him, everything has been strictly through text and very minimal.
I ignore his questioning look.
“Look!” I say turning the screen over so he can see his son walk towards his daughter.
“He’s walking?” Dante asks, a bit of joy and laughter coating his voice.
“Yes!” I yell out, a big smile on my face.
I go back to where Allie is and crouch down so that Dante can see Angel close the last couple of steps towards us.
The room fills with cheers as Angel closes the last few feet and throws himself into Allie’s arms.
I can’t help but smile as both kids laugh and fall to the ground celebrating this big accomplishment for him.
“I can’t believe I missed seeing it in person.” Dante’s voice takes me away from the kids hugging each other.
“I recorded the beginning of it, so you can see it when you get home.” I say, turning the screen back to me.
For the first time since I started the video call, I see Dante’s face. More importantly, I see the specs of red that cover his cheeks.
And from the looks of it, it’s fresh.
“Arianna.” Dante’s voice comes through, again with the confused tone to it.
“What?” I ask, not being able to take my eyes off the red dots.
“You look a bit off.” he states and that’s when I finally move my eyes away from the blood to his eyes.
They are filled with curiosity, his face a bit stoic.