After catching our breath and sleeping for about an hour, we quickly jumped into round two with me straddling him and making all the cowboys in the world proud.
After my inner cowgirl made in an appearance, we made out like we were in high school until we our eyes could no longer stay open.
The last thing I remember was looking at his sleeping form and thinking that he looked like a different person.
When he sleeps, Dante Rosetti doesn’t look like the deadliest man in Chicago or even the mafioso that sits at the head of the table. He just looks like a normal man that had just ruined me for every other guy.
It was a strange sight, but still one that I liked.
How I also liked having him inside of me. How I also liked having his arms around my body as I fell asleep.
Dante must have gotten up a while ago because the side of the bed he was laying on is cold and the bunched-up sheets act as a reminder of what happened last night.
Where not only did we have crazy hot animalistic sex, but where he also told me that he believed me. He believed the words that I told him.
Does him believing what I told him mean that he trusts me? Definitely not but it’s a step in the right direction.
Something deep in me, though, tells me that I went about it the wrong way. I shouldn’t have opened my leg for him, no matter how much I wanted to. He should belive me because his gut tells him to, not because his cock was cozy inside of me.
But it did happen that way and there is nothing that I can do to change it. I just have to make sure that it never happens again.
I have to stay away from anything sexual that involves Dante. Staying away from him will be the only way that I will be able to follow through and bring him down for my father’s death.
I just have to. One night doesn’t change anything.
Even if that part deep in me says it does.
Sighing, I throw the covers off my body and start getting ready for my day. I ignore the soreness between my legs as I shower and get dressed. I also ignore all the memories that come running in as I walk over to the kids’ rooms.
If I keep thinking about Dante and his magical dick, I won't be able to get through the day. Let alone my plans.
Angel is awake when I walk into his room and after giving him a bottle and changing his diaper, we are on our way to Alessandra’s room.
Thankfully, she’s already up and greets me with a smile. We get her dressed and do her hair and she’s all ready to go before seven-thirty.
One month in and I’m really getting a hang of this nanny stuff.
When we make it downstairs, I half expected Dante to be gone already, given that he said that he had a meeting in the morning. But to my surprise, he’s sitting at the dining room table, reading the morning newspaper.
“Good morning,” I say as if I didn’t have his cock in me just a few hours ago.
Dante looks up and catches my gaze. His eyes look like they have a bit of surprise in them, but he quickly recovers.
“Good morning.” He says just as he opens his arms for Alessandra to run into.
I watch as the little girl goes to her dad, and a small smile forms on my lips when I see how much he loves her. It’s a sweet father/daughter moment.
Strapping Angel into the highchair, I drag him over to Dante’s other side before taking a seat at the other end.
“Why are you sitting all the way over there?” Dante asks, but I just ignore his question and start filling my plate.
There is a chef that comes and cooks meals every weekday, so I definitely take advantage of it.
I eat in silence, with Dante speaking the occasional word to his daughter.
“Did she say anything else yesterday?” I ask before stuffing a huge bite of pancakes into my mouth.
Unfortunately, I didn’t chew fast enough because when Dante looks up, my cheeks are puffed up like a chipmunk’s and I try my hardest to swallow down the food.