“Yes, I’m sure, Evelyn. Escort Ms. Amato out.” I swear if I have to tell her again, I’m going to grab something and throw it against the wall.
My assistant gives me a nod and then turns her attention to our guest.
“Wait.” Arianna says, walking over my desk.
“I can be a nanny. I have my CPR certification and I have a degree in child development. I also babysat all through college.” As she speaks, she bites her bottom lip in the process. Out of fear or nervousness, I don’t know.
“Babysitting and being a nanny are two different things, Ms. Amato.” I throw back at her.
“I know but I can learn. I can learn to do the job that you need me to do.” The way she says the words tells me that she wants this job a little too much. Like my suspicions are right and she’s here for something other than the job.
I’m already shaking my head before she finishes. “I’m afraid that this isn’t a ‘learn as you go’ type of job, Ms. Amato. I need someone with actual experience, not someone that is going to call me every time one of the kids’ cries. Now I’m asking you to leave, I have work to do and this conversation with you is just setting me back.”
She looks at me with brown eyes that have so many questions floating in them. It makes me wonder if she actually has the balls to ask them.
After a second or twenty, she finally moves her line of vision somewhere else and gives me a nod.
“Thank you for taking the time out of your day to meet with me.” She says before she starts to walk to the door.
I don’t say a word, I just concentrate on whatever spreadsheet I have open on my computer screen.
I think that I’m finally free of her presence when she speaks again. “I’m really good with kids, Mr. Rosetti. My experience working at a bar may not be a good way to prove that, but if you need references, I can get them for you. I’m not saying that you have to hire me, but it is an option especially if you’ve interviewed a number of people and still haven't found one. Goodbye, Mr. Rosetti.”
There are words at the tip of my tongue that I want to say as I watch her leave the office with Evelyn behind her, but I don’t.
She may be right.
In the last three weeks I’ve interviewed close to fifty individuals for this position and not one of them has seemed right.
There were a few people that I thought were contenders but when I looked deeper into who they were, they quickly were taken off the list.
Maybe I should hire Arianna, but I have a feeling that if I hire her, it will come and bite me in the ass.
Joseph wouldn’t want that.
No, he wouldn’t.
Shaking my head, I get to work looking over the numbers from the past month for the club.
I’m able to get through five pages before my door flies open and Evelyn comes storming in.
“Why in the world would you end that interview early?” She sounds angry. Evelyn is always angry with me. That sweet voice she uses when people are around is just an act to get under my skin.
I don’t look at my assistant as I answer. “Did you vet Ms. Amato before bringing her in here?”
“Yes, I ran the number she called from, and she came back clean. Name discrepancy aside.” She snaps out.
I look at her with a raised eyebrow. “Well maybe if you had done a better job, you would have known that she thought that she was here for a dancing position, not to be a fucking nanny.”
Evelyn’s mouth falls slightly open. “Did she…?”
“Did she strip? She started to. I saw her fucking tits before I stopped the interview. I thought that you were vetting these people.”
She lets out a sigh and actually looks apologetic over this. “I’m sorry. She asked what the position was, and I just told her that she would find out today.”
I grind my teeth at her answer.
“Don’t do it again. Now let’s move on and get me another list of people for the job.” I turn back to my computer, dismissing her but she doesn’t move. “What?”