Page 31 of Powerful Deception

There is no hesitation in my voice when I answer.

“Yes, I’m still interested and yes, I can start tomorrow.”


I should have thought this through a lot longer than just a few seconds. I should have told Evelyn to give me a few days to think about the offer and not jump right in.

But I didn’t and now here I am standing in front of black metal gate that protects a mega mansion at six in the morning on a Monday.

After I agreed to take the job, Evelyn sent all the details I needed to get started.

The children’s names and ages. Their daily schedules, their likes and dislikes. Everything that I needed to know about the two of them stared back at me on the screen. It felt like I was reading a resume for two little people. Reading all the information on the train was a bit overwhelming.

Evelyn also requested information, things that any normal employer would ask for, and wanted it as soon as I arrived at the house this morning. Except that I’m using a fake name.

So as soon as I hung up with her, I took out the burner phone that Gallo gave me and shot him a message.

I told him I had an in with Rosetti and I needed an ID and whatever else he can get me that had the last name Amato. He asked me for my information and within an hour, I had an ID and social security card in hand.

I couldn’t believe just how real they looked.

As soon as I had the items, I started to get ready for my first day as Dante Rosetti’s nanny.

What does one wear to be a nanny for one of the richest men in Chicago? I have no idea, so I pulled out the best black slacks and nicest blouse that I had.

And once my outfit was picked out, I tried to sleep and well that didn’t go so well.

Since my dad died, I haven’t been able to sleep much. Every time I closed my eyes during days leading up to the funeral, I would be back in the brownstone and see everything all over again. I can count on one hand how many nights I slept for more than five hours. It’s gotten better since then but last night it was as if I was in the middle of it all over again.

I tossed and turned and every time my eyes closed, I would see Rosetti standing over me telling me that I was going to meet the same fate that my dad did. If it wasn’t that then it was him telling me that he knew what my plan was and that I will never succeed.

Now here I am, standing in front of the man’s property telling myself that I need to do this.

That I need to insert myself like this and hopefully find a way to take this man down. If not for me and then for my poppa.

Taking a deep breath, I push my fear aside and push the intercom button on the gate keypad.

It rings for a few seconds before a male voice sounds through.

“Name.” The voice orders.

I clear my throat. “Ari Amato.”

“Full name.”

I roll my eyes at the command but answer anyway. “Arianna Amato.”

There is silence for a few seconds before the voice comes through again.

“Please hold up a photo ID to the camera.”

I guess when you’re someone in power you have to go through these measures. Unless you’re Gallo.

I do as I’m told, crossing my fingers behind my back in the process, hoping that they don’t notice that it’s a fake.

There’s silence again and then the voice speaks.

“The gate is going to beep and open up. Walk through and wait. Do not go further onto the grounds. Someone will pick you up shortly.”