“I told you not to strain yourself.” Evelyn reprimands me as I make my way over to Angel’s room.
It’s five seventeen in the morning and he’s awake.
“I’m fine.” I say trying not to let out a groan as I walk down the hall.
“You’re not fine. You have a damn hole in your chest from a damn needle to repair your collapsed lung so you can freaking breathe. You also have three broken ribs and thirty-two stitches in your side. Tell me how the hell you're fine.”
“You sound like a mother.” I say walking into Angel’s room.
“And I will act like your freaking mother until you listen and go back to bed.”
There is no winning with her. “Let me get my kid and then I will gladly go back to bed.”
“Fine, but I swear to god Dante, if you start jumping him up and down, I will puncture a hole in your other lung.”
Honestly, she’s worked for me long enough to learn a few things, I wouldn’t put it past her.
“Yes, ma’am.” I say.
Leaving my assistant at the door, I walk into the room and find Angel standing up in his crib already with his arms outstretched.
Even though there’s an excruciating pain when I lift him up, I do it without complaining, walking us out of the room and heading back to master.
“See, back to bed.” I say as we pass Evelyn.
“It better stay that way.” She says, following behind us, but stopping at the doorway not stepping inside.
“If you’re hovering this much after less than a day, I wonder what a pain in the ass you’ll be for the rest of the week.” I mutter, mostly to Angel but I know she heard me when she lets out a snort.
“Enough for you to give me a raise.” She throws back.
All I do is shake my head at her as I place Angel in the middle of the bed and let him cuddle into the pillows.
Arianna’s pillows.
It's been less than twenty-four hours since we left the warehouse and Arianna brought me to the estate and had my men fix me up.
I passed out somewhere between the warehouse and here because once I woke up, Evelyn told me that I was out for a good ten hours.
Apparently I did have a collapsed lung, one that Bruno was able to help relieve it by stabbing a needle in my chest. Something I wasn’t conscious for, thank fucking god.
Apparently while I was out, a lot happened.
Because of my injuries, they called one of the doctors we have on call to come take a look at my injuries. After he checked Bruno’s work with my lung, he set my ribs, stitched me up and told my staff that I was going to live. That I had to take it easy, but that I would live.
The other thing that happened while I was out from the pain, Arianna left.
After I came to, I asked two questions. Where were my kids and where was Arianna.
I needed to see that she was okay. I needed to see that her injuries weren't as bad as mine and that she was okay after everything that happened. But Evelyn told me that she had left soon after arriving.
Evelyn said that she looked sacred and had tears in her eyes as she pulled away.
Now twenty hours later, I have no idea where she is, or how to get a hold of her since her phone was at the car accident and then brought here by my men.
According to Bruno, they got wind of the accident as soon as it happened, making it to the scene before the paramedics and the cops but not before Arianna and I were taken.