Page 124 of Powerful Deception

“Why? So she can run off and tell her daddy's friends who killed the bastard. I don’t think so. She dies here, maybe I’ll kill just like I killed the detective. Nice and slow. Maybe I’ll even fuck her before she takes her last breath.”

Something that Roberto hides well is the sadistic bastard he really is.

He doesn’t give a fuck about what he has to kill or burn to gain power, he will do whatever it takes to get what he wants.

And if he wants to make me suffer, he will do exactly what he says and make me watch before deciding to put a bullet in between my eyes.

“You touch her and I will feed you your dick before slitting your throat.” I say through my teeth, trying my hardest not to take too deep of a breath.

Gallo looks at me, a sick smile on his face. “I already touched her. She doesn’t like to wear panties, does she?”

Arianna sobs into the concrete. Hearing her in pain and hearing Gallo’s words on top of it, makes me see red.

Something animalistic brews up inside of me. Something deadly and dark. So much so that a growl escapes me and I’m able to find enough power in me to do what’s necessary.

With all the force I can muster, the pain coming from my chest all but forgotten, I throw myself back. The amount of force causing the chair to shatter as soon as it hits the concrete.

Gallo may be a wizard with tying knots but he sure as hell stupid to use a wooden chair.

Pain travels through my back as the knots come undone.

My whole body screams out in agony as I shift to stand on my feet.

Roberto’s eyes are wide, like he didn’t expect for me to do such a thing. His two men look just as surprised.

See if this was my men, they wouldn’t be fucking surprised. They would be ready with guns drawn waiting for a single to shoot me dead.

The motherfucker are fucking morons.

Not giving a shit anymore, I charge at Gallo, and slam into his body causing us to call to the ground.

The bastard lets out a groan, and as much as I want to succumb to my own pain, I don’t.

No, I start to pummel at the bastard's face. Landing punch after punch until his face is a bloody mess. Just like he left mine.

When that’s not enough, I grab him by his stringy gray hair and start slamming his head against the concrete.

I’m slightly aware of what is happening behind me, all my concentration on Gallo. I hear some shuffling and Arianna letting out a yell, but I don’t turn around and look.

No, my sole purpose right now is to finish Gallo.

That is until a gunshot rings out and a scream quickly follows.

A scream much similar to the one I heard before I was surrounded by darkness.

I forget Gallo. I forget Gallo and turn to see the aftermath of the gunshot.

And a body on the ground.


“Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my fucking god.” The gun falls from my hand to the floor.

The one shot that was released is still ringing in my ear. The vibration of pulling the trigger is still moving through my body.

My breathing is erratic, and my heart is pumping in my chest and I can feel tears starting to roll down my face.

I shot a gun. Not only did I shoot a gun but I shot a person.