We walk out of the room hand in hand, splitting when we reach the stairs. Dante going downstairs and me going to grab the one and only clutch that I own.
I’m so glad I thought of bringing it with me when I moved it. It would have been a hassle if I had to go back to my apartment to get it.
The apartment that I haven’t stepped foot in four months.
Maybe if me and Dante continue on this amazing path, I will let the place go, but that’s an idea for another day.
I grab the clutch and as I’m walking out, a ringing sounds out.
The ringing makes me stop in my tracks.
Opening the clutch in my hands, I pull out my phone and see that the screen is blank. No incoming calls.
If it’s not my phone, where is the ringing coming from?
It couldn’t be coming from the burner phone, could it?
I haven’t used that phone since my last text to Gallo telling him that I was out. That was back in November. It’s been a whole two months since then, why would he be calling me now? Sure, I keep the phone charged, but I do that as a just in case.
Just in case I find something that could be incriminating, but I had no real plan to use it.
Until now, I guess.
Walking to the dresser where I keep the phone hidden, the ringing becoming louder with each step.
As I open the drawer and reach for the phone the only thing that I can think of is why the hell is he calling me now?
Once the phone is in my hand, I see that Gallo is indeed calling.
For a long minute, I debate even answering the call. I could just ignore it and go on with my night.
But if I ignore it, he could call again, and instead of me hearing the continuous ring it could be Dante. And if Dante finds the burner phone, it will be over. Everything we’ve built these last few months, will be over.
It’s because of that, that I answer.
“Hello?” I say into the device, hoping to god that this is just a routine call from Gallo trying to convince me to go through with the plan.
“Ms. Vitale. It’s happening.”
I feel all the oxygen leave my body. “What is happening?”
“The take down of Dante Rosetti of course. How can you forget Ms. Vitale? It’s the reason you paid me. Which by the way, I’m going to need another payment.”
“What? No, I told you back in November that I was done.” I tell him, my voice shaking the whole time.
I have to convince him to not do anything. I have to.
“Ah yes, the text message. I don’t do text messages like that, so I ignored it.”
He ignored it.
He ignored the message and continued with finding information even when I told him not to.
Not only has the oxygen left my body, but all my blood feels like it has dropped from my head to my feet.
“Then listen to me when I say this. The deal is off. I want nothing to do with it anymore. We are not taking down Dante Rosetti or anyone else for that matter.” I hiss out as quietly as I can.
No way do I need Dante hearing this conversation.