Page 107 of Powerful Deception

But it can be the opposite. He could tell me that it wasn’t him and we could move. I could move on.

He could lie and just tell you what you want to hear.

I think that’s what’s holding me back. As much as I’ve truthful, I’ve lied a lot more to Dante throughout our relationship. From the second I stepped foot into his office at Perversa, it has been lie after lie. He only knows the truths that I’ve wanted to tell him.

So what is keeping him from not doing the same to me? For all I know, he’s lied just as much as I have.

That’s why I don’t have the courage to ask, because I’m scared to fall for a bold face lie.

I shake my head, no, I can’t think like that. Our relationship is new, and eventually I’ll find in me to ask the questions and get answers.

For now, I’m going to continue marveling at the fact that we are together and happy and enjoy tonight.

Since the gala is tonight I took the day off and went to get my hair and makeup done because I didn’t want to look like I was running around all day.

Angel finally got the hang of walking and has moved one to running and climbing things that he shouldn’t. You would think that one-year-olds would be mellow and chill but nope. Now that the kid can get around on his own, he finds any little thing to climb.

Yesterday, I found him in the pantry trying to climb the shelves. It also doesn't help that he has a big sister that encourages the madness and sometimes gives him a boost to reach whatever snack.

Cookies, fruit snacks, a chocolate bar I had hidden, they find everything.

So I took the day off, left the kids with Evelyn and went get pampered.

As I look in the mirror as I slide on my dress, I’m happy with my choice.

“Arianna.” Dante’s voice travels to the en suite bathroom.

Since the club I have only gone into my room to get clothes that haven’t made their way to the master just yet.

“In here.” I say back, struggling to zip up my dress.

Why must they put zippers in the back?

“Need help?” Dante’s voice echoes through the room.

I look up and see through the mirror that he is smirking at my struggle.

“Yes, please.” I let out a huff, turning my back to him, defeated I couldn’t do it myself.

A small chuckle rumbles out of him as he walks deeper into the bathroom. I move my hair out of the way and watch through the mirror as he comes to stand behind me.

His eyes hold mine as he places a hand on my hip and the other on the small metal tab. The whole time he pulls the zipper up, his eyes do not move.

This man can make something so minimal like pulling up a zipper so sensual.

A small gasp leaves my lips as he leans down and places a kiss on the back of my neck when I’m all closed up.

“Thank you.”

“Anything for you, amate.” He says, wrapping an arm around my waist, bringing me closer to him. “Is this the dress you’re wearing to the gala?”

His question throws me off and suddenly I’m freaking out.

“Am I breaking dress code?” I look down in panic at my burgundy satin dress. “Is it too revealing?” I ask turning to the cut out on my side. Oh my god it’s too much. Fuck. “Crap, I really should have gone for the black dress.”

I’m reaching for the zipper again, to take off the dress when Dante stops me.

“Relax. The dress is fucking perfect,” he leans down once more and places another kiss against my neck. “The only reason I asked was because I don’t think I can wait all night to rip it off you.”