“So what do we do?” Because as much as he doesn’t want me involved, I am.
Santos looks at me and when he makes his way back to me, his eyes don’t leave mine. Once there only a few inches away from me, he takes my face between his hands again.
“Do you trust me?” His voice is a whisper against my lips, my hands instantly going to his waist.
“With everything that I am.” Even through the immense amount of pain that he has caused to my heart, I still trust him.
“Then let me continue to figure this out. I’ll go to Leo, and we will figure this out together. But you can’t be involved in this any more than what you already are. Let me do this for you. Let me keep you safe.”
My eyes close at his words and I can’t help but lean into his touch.
How much longer do I have to continue going through this?
What if I still have to marry Emilio and this becomes my life forever?
I swallow everything down.
“Okay but do it quickly. Please.”
“I will try my fucking hardest.”
He pulls back slightly, only to lean forward again to place his lips against my forehead.
I’m pressed against him so tightly, that I can feel all that he wants to say all with only this one kiss.
Finally, he pulls back, fully this time, and rubs my cheek with his thumb, wiping the tear that must have escaped away. He gives me a small smile and starts to walk out of the room.
“I don’t even get a real kiss goodbye?”
It feels like it has been forever since I have felt his lips against mine. You have no idea how much I miss his mouth on my skin, kissing, licking, nibbling on every single inch of me.
“As long as you have another man’s ring on your finger, I won’t touch you.”
With that, he leaves.
And I’m left standing there wondering if I can find a way to break that last promise.
I’ve said this before, but Emilio Castro is a fucking dead man.
This time, I’m not talking out of my fucking ass. No, this time it’s an actual possibility that I finally get the chance to kill the fucker once and for all.
Why might Emilio finally meet his demise?
Well because he decided it was a good idea to go after Serena and her friend Aria, have a few of his men kidnap them and possibly kill them.
The fucker wasn’t counting on Serena calling Leo and leaving a horrifying voicemail that notified him that she was taken. He also didn’t realize that his men are so stupid that they didn’t notice a federal agent outside of the building.
Thankfully Leo has a tech savvy hacker in his back pocket, courtesy of Elliot Lane, that was able to get us in contact with said federal agent. Which lead us to where Emilio was holding the women.
Now there are five men dead downstairs, Emilio is withering on the floor from a fucking bullet that went through his leg, and Serena and Aria are getting taken to the hospital by Leo and Agent Madden.
Yes, the federal agent worked with us.
As long as he doesn’t arrest me for what I’m about to do to the fucker crying on the floor, I’m good.
“Take care of it.” Leo orders as he carries an almost passed out Serena out the door.