Page 70 of Violent Attraction

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My chest burns so much from all the anger that is boiling inside of me.

I want to reach into my chest and pull my heart out so that it would stop hurting so much.

I blame Santiago, I blame my father, for making me feel this way.

This is a point in my life where I really wish that my mother was alive so that she could wrap her arms around me and make the pain stop.

If only she was here.

If only she wasn’t killed.

So much for the promise I made to myself about not letting man hurt me like this ever again.

I guess I’m just a weak girl that will let every single person she knows, walk all over her.

The weight of the ring adorning my left hand feels like it’s pulling me down and making the whole situation much worse.

This is my life, and it feels like there is nothing I can do to change it.

I need to run, to get away from here.

I need to do something because I feel like I'm about to explode. There are so many emotions running through my body and I hate it.

I hate feeling so out of control like this.

So I walk. I walk as far away from my father’s office and Santiago as I possibly can. I won’t be able to get very far but it still would put a good distance between us.

My emotions start getting in check, or at least I think they do. Everything comes running back out when I run into something. And that something is my brother.

“Whoa there,” he places his hands on my shoulders trying to keep me steady.

The second I look up at him I want to lose it. I know he sees how I look right now and the worry line forming between his eyebrows tells me that he doesn’t like it.

“Isabella, what’s wrong?”

I try everything in me not to let my emotions take over. “I just got engaged to Emilio.”

As soon as I say the name, everything that I was holding in, every emotion that was at bay, seeps out and eventually I find myself in my brother’s arms, letting every piece of pain out.

Everything I am holding in, I let it out in sobs, soaking my brother’s shirt in the process.

I just want the pain to stop.

Why can’t it stop?

* * *

A bright light that is entering the room is what wakes me the next morning. After a few seconds of me trying to fight it and try to go back to sleep, I realize it's the sun that is shining bright and it won’t go away to let me enjoy these last few seconds of solace that I have.

I slowly open my eyes and I see that I’m in my room at my father’s estate, and Camila is sound asleep right next to me.

Leo called her last night after finding me wandering around and I cried all the tears I had in my body onto his shirt.

For a few long hours, I was held by my two siblings, both of them telling me that they would do everything in their power to figure out the situation. Hearing them say the words made me cry harder.

I will admit though, being held by two people that love me so unconditionally was exactly what I needed. I didn’t know that that was what I was missing until I experienced it.