I leave the women and try not to kick myself in the ass for not thinking about this earlier.
I may not be able to figure out why Emilio did what he did four years ago, but I can make sure he doesn’t screw up the deal with Chambers. Make sure we have a backup plan.
Pulling out the card that was handed to me not ten minutes ago, I dial the number and wait for the rich fucker to answer.
“Miss me already?” he says when the ringing finally stops after a few rings.
“I need to call a meeting. You, me and Leo. To talk business.” I get right to the point.
“Are you going to tell me what it’s about?”
“Nope. Not until we are all in the same room.” No way am I discussing this in the middle of a busy casino.
After a few seconds, Elliot lets out a sigh. “Okay, my room. I’ll text you the number and the time.”
“Okay.” I hang up the phone and waste no time in texting Leo about our meeting.
Emilio might have taken something important from me and trying to take something else, but he isn’t going to touch this.
There’s a reason why I’m a high-ranking soldier with the Muertos and he is not.
The fucking asshole will not see me coming.
9 months before wedding
I can tell you the exact moment when I realized that I was unhappy with how my life is going currently. The moment is ingrained into my brain.
It was the moment that my brother walked into my father’s estate with his wife that he married in Las Vegas.
Yeah, you heard that right. The man that hasn’t had a serious relationship in his life, got married one drunken night in Vegas and now she’s fucking here.
Serena Davidson.
I swear if I hear her call herself a Morales, I’m going to flip out on her.
You like her.
Okay, I might not dislike her so much now, especially after she told me and Camila how she told Leo the all mighty, no when it comes to a divorce and her reason behind it.
I might have gained a few ounces of respect for her after that.
But it was when she pulled me aside when that respect grew even more.
I’m about to walk out of the room and follow Camila out when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
Turning slightly, I see Serena’s well-manicured nails on me and she gives me a sheepish smile.
I swear if she is about to tell me that she wants to change the flowers we just picked out for her stupid wedding, I’m going to punch her.
“It’s not my place, but there’s someone, isn’t there? Someone you wish your father would have chosen for you to marry?”
Earlier when we were picking flowers for the wedding my father is forcing me to plan, I said something about choosing who she got to marry.
Leo and Serena might have been drunk off their minds in the middle of the night, but they still had the choice. They had the choice to marry who they wanted to marry, even if it was a complete stranger.
They had a choice that I don’t have. All because my father is forcing my hand and taking that choice away from me.