Page 61 of Violent Attraction

A part of me can’t help but wonder if the relationship between the two cartels has gone back years or if it’s something that just recently happened.

Elliot reads the pages for a few minutes and then finally looks up, letting out a whistle when he’s done.

“And I thought that the shit that I had to deal with was complicated. This is a whole other level.” He slides the journal back to me.

I guess this asswipe is smart enough to decode my writing.

Grabbing the journal, I pocket it, not taking my eyes off him. “I guess that’s the cartel life for you.”

Elliot nods. “I guess so.”

We go back to silence and it’s enough time for the waitress to come back and bring us our food. We continue with the silence while we eat.

“I’m guessing Leo doesn’t know what you found out, given that the arrangement with his sister is still intact.”

I nod, chewing through my chorizo and eggs. “I need to find out more information first, like why the fuckers went after Cristiano. Then maybe I will tell him.”

“Makes sense, I would do the same. Especially if my sister were involved.”

Is it weird that this is the first time I hear him mention that he has a sister? I know he mentioned her earlier but before today, all I knew was that he had brothers.

“Have you come close to figuring it out?” Eli throws out there before I can say anything.

I shake my head. “Nothing definite. The closet thing that I have is that they wanted to just kill someone to make a name for themselves. If that were the case, then my father would just be another casualty.”

“But you know there is more.” It’s not a question.

“There has to be. Especially now that the Castros are making deals with Ronaldo Morales. There had to be something that brought this on. This whole arrangement has more to it. More than money and power and I have no idea what. All I know is that I have to get Leo’s sister out of this before it’s too late.”

“Will,” Elliot starts, but he takes a bite of his food before he can continue. Finally, after endless chewing, he starts again. “Will the Castros’ hurt Isabella?”

I don’t want to think about that happening.

I don’t want to sit here and come up with stupid ass scenarios where Isabella is put in danger and I can’t do anything to save her.

“Everything in me wants to say no, but the reality of it is, I don’t know. I sure as fuck hope they don’t.”

I will kill anyone who dares to touch Isabella Morales.

Again, we go back to eating in silence. I look up to my companion every once and a while and see that he has a look of contemplation on his face. Whatever he must be thinking of, must be a hard pill to swallow.

His face looks like he’s constipated, and he is trying to plan out his next shit.

“Let me help you find anything on the Castro Family.” Elliot finally offers when we were almost done with our meals.

I place my fork on the plate in front of me and look at the man.

“How would you do that? This is a cartel we are talking about; I doubt that all their information is out on the internet.”

If it was, I would have found it by now.

The look of constipation leaves his face and it’s replaced with a smirk.

“The Castros don’t have as big an operation as the Muertos, right?” I nod. “They had to get sloppy somewhere. Hell, you were able to find the tattoo, you and Leo would never let that happen if you were in their shoes. They’re a small cartel. If they messed up somewhere or they talked about your father in some way, shape or form, I will be able to find it. Let me help you.”

I think about it.

He does have a lot more resources than I have access to. The possibility of him finding something is somewhat high. Even if he finds a spec of information, it can be beneficial.