Page 40 of Violent Attraction

“I don’t want you to walk away.”

It’s the best time as any to put my heart on the line, right?

“What do you suggest then? I don’t want you to suffer like my mother currently is. You deserve a whole lot more than that.”

I untangle myself from his body and sit up on the bed and look down at him.

“Amelia made that choice when she met your father. My mother made the same one. Let me make mine. You’ve left me before because you were protecting me, from this life, because I deserved better. Well guess what? This is the only life that I have known. If I want to be with someone that is part of the cartel, then I will, because that’s my choice. And if that choice comes to bite me in the ass, then so be it. I will suffer the consequences, just as long as I get to be you. Because guess what Santiago, I love you. I’ve loved you since I was sixteen. I loved you when I was supposed to hate you and I still love you now. So, if you want to walk away, fine, walk away, but know that if you walk away on last time, I don’t know just how much longer my love for you will be intact. Because you’re right, I do deserve better. Now I just need to know if you are going to give it to me.”

My chest feels like it’s on fire from my confession, but every single word needed to be said. He needs to know how I feel and where I stand.

Santos sits up, scooting closer to me, his nose almost touching mine. I can feel his breath against my lips, almost as if it were a whisper of a kiss.

My gaze stays with his as he leans in and places a chaste kiss on my lips.

It starts off sweet and slow but then after a few seconds, his hands land on my hips and I’m straddling him. His tongue is sweeping across my lower lip, asking for entry. I happily open up and marvel at the feeling of his mouth on mine and his hands on my body.

He pulls back slightly, placing his forehead against mine. “I love you too.”

I can’t help but smile at his words and place another kiss against his lips.

When we pull apart, there is one uncertainty that is stopping me from continuing with the moment.

My father.

“If we are going to be together, we have to figure out a way tell my father.” I cringe slightly at the words.

It’s not something that sounds like a joyful experience.

Santiago nods and lets out a sigh. “He won’t approve. He will most likely have me killed.”

It may seem drastic but there’s a possibility of it happening.

I think about the scenario. One where we go to my father, and I tell him that I’m stepping into a relationship with one of his men.

If I’m being honest with myself, it’s not something that I really want to do.

So what if…?

“What if we don’t tell him?”

“Isabella.” He starts but I hold my hand up stopping him.

“No, he doesn’t have to know. We don’t have to tell anyone. It could just be between the two of us for a little bit.”

His grip on my hip tightens and I’m sure if he wanted to, he would roll his eyes at my suggestion.

“For how long? How long do we keep it a secret? Until we’re thinking of marriage? When we start thinking about having kids?”

“You want to have kids with me?” I give him a smile, really liking the idea of having a baby with his eyes.

This time he does rolls his eyes. “I thought that was a given.”

I press my lips back on his and give him a bright smile when I pull back but the smile doesn’t last long.

Because he’s right, of course he’s right.

“We’ll tell him when we think it’s the right time. When the both of us know exactly what’s going on between us. For right now, I just want to be with you for a little while and not let my father, or even my brother, interfere.”