She definitely comes from money, that purse alone cost eleven hundred dollars. I should know, I own the same one.
“Can you add another two thousand dollars to that please?”
“I’m sorry?” I clearly heard that wrong.
“Another two-thousand to the card. I can’t carry all the dresses out of here, but if you can ship them to me that would be great. The two thousand should cover all the shipping and whatever is left over you can keep for yourself.”
Okay, who is this girl and how can I make her my friend?
“Is that okay?” she asks when I don’t even try to say a word.
I nod and do what she says and charge her card over ten thousand dollars.
And of course, it went through.
I hand her the card back and she gives me a bright smile.
Still a little dumbfounded I go and wrap two dresses up before coming back to the counter and handing her the garment bags.
“Thank you.” She takes the bags and then snaps her fingers. “Before I forget.”
I watch as she takes a piece of paper out of her bag with a pen and starts to write on it.
“Here is the address to send the dresses to. I’m also including my number, just in case you ever want to branch out and do your own thing. You can call me whenever you want if that’s something you’re interested in.”
She holds out the piece of paper to me when she's done writing her information.
“This is going to sound completely stupid, but branch out?”
The strange girl nods. “Yeah, your designs are amazing. You’re the only reason that I came here. I’ve been seeing your dresses all over social media and I had to get some for myself. You should really think about it and if you do it, I’ll be your number one client.”
I look down at the piece of paper in my hands and give her a bright smile.
“I will. Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome, Isabella.” A smile and she is out the door.
That just happened, right? I didn’t imagine that happening, did I?
I look down at the piece of paper and see all her information.
“Thank you, Samantha Lane.”
I scream and skip all the way to the back of the store.
I can’t wait to tell Santos!
* * *
I told him as soon as I got home from work. Within seconds of the news spilling from my mouth, I was in his arm was of me before taking me to celebrate.
And no, our celebration wasn’t a fancy dinner. Our celebration consisted of him eating me for dinner, you know since we are back to it being just us with my sister in New York and all, and what a great dinner it was.
So great, I’m just now deciding that I want seconds.
“And here I thought that you were tired,” he gives me a smirk as I sit up and straddle his stomach.
“Nope. I’m still hungry, I think I’m ready for round two.” My hands land on his chest, as I rub myself along his abs, already spreading my wetness on his skin.