Page 98 of Violent Attraction

Emilio rubs me between my legs and tears start to well in my eyes.

This is a day that I’m grateful that I decided not to wear a dress.

He leans forward and takes my earlobe in between his teeth as he continues to rub me. As close as he’s standing, I can feel the hardness that is being pushed into me from his groin.

He’s hard.

My head is spinning, trying to find a way to get out of this before he decided to do something. Like rape me.

I’m about to start hitting the wall, possibly to get someone's attention, when Emilio pulls away and lets me go completely.

Tears are running down my face as I watch him readjust himself.

I just stand there not knowing what to do.

I should run. Run as far away from this man, but I can’t seem to make my legs work.

“I can’t wait to put you in your place on our wedding night. The day can’t come sooner.” With one last snarl, he walks away, his hand still on his dick.

As soon as he turns the corner and is out of sight, I run straight to my safe space and lock every possible door that I can.

When I make it to my room, and look at the door behind me, I sink to the ground and cry.

I cry and pray that Santos and Leo can figure out a way to stop this wedding.

Because I don’t know how much longer I can survive this.


One Week before wedding

“This is fucking bullshit!” A tequila bottle flies through the room, hitting the wall before falling to the ground in a million pieces.

The frustration of all of this has finally caught up to me. It’s been over six months and the wedding is next week, and we have nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing to stop this fuckup holy matrimony bullshit.

Throwing the bottle wasn’t enough, if only I could throw the desk we are currently occupying, I would.

“We’ll figure it out.” I hear Leo’s voice coming from the other side of the room, and just hearing it makes me want to stalk over to him and punch him.

“It’s been almost seven months and we haven’t figure out a thing! At this point, you and me will be standing in that church watching Isabella sign her life away, like pendejos, because we couldn’t figure it out!”

We should have been able to find a way to take down Emilio by now. There are so many things that we can take him down for. We could just put a bullet through his head and be done with it.

But the asshole is protected by Ronaldo and his men. Everywhere he goes, he has five to six men acting like security right behind him. Leo and I can’t even head to San Pedro and step foot on the estate without being followed constantly.

According to Isabella, they’ve been doing it with her too. She says that both Emilio and Ronaldo are on high alert, thinking that we are going to do something to Emilio, that they don’t even let her leave the house by herself.

Thankfully she has one man among the team of security that she can trust and that’s Arturo. When Isabella told Leo what was happening, he sent him right over to her.

She’s scared and all me and Leo are doing right now is playing sitting ducks.

Such fucking bullshit.

“We should have handed him over to Madden when we had the chance.” Leo lets out.

When the whole ordeal was happening with Serena and Aria, and Agent Madden helped us, we told him that Emilio was ours but that he could have any other man in the house.

Well, we got Emilio, but every other man ended up dead, so Madden didn’t get anything.