I try to hold in my laugh. “And what did you say when she called you a pendejo estupido?”
“I tried not to laugh, which made her angry that I wasn’t supporting her in ‘her endeavor to learn Spanish.’”
I think Serena has officially won a bigger place in my heart.
“Did you sleep on the couch that night?” Santos teases my brother, and I can’t help laughing a little at his big ass body on the couch.
“No asshole. I spent the whole night in our bed worshiping her body, whispering sweet nothing in her ear all in Spanish.”
Okay, definitely not a visual I wanted to picture.
I even gag a little at his description. I probably would have puked if he had said the word pound or fuck.
Leo notices my expression. “What? Don’t like to hear about my sexual adventures with my wife?”
“You want to hear mine?” right away his face changes to one of teasing to pure anger and discomfort. “That’s what I thought.”
“Ya llegamos.” Arturo announces as we pull up to the estate.
Leo distracted you.
That was the whole point of that conversation, to distract me from my nerves and get me to calm down.
I turn to Leo and lean in to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.”
He nods. “You still didn’t give me an answer to report back to the wife.”
“Tell her that we’re together but taking things slow. We have to build up to where we left off when all of this started.”
Leo nods again, this time taking my hand and giving it a squeeze. “It will work out.”
I sure hope so.
“As for our father,” he opens his door and slides out, holding out a hand to me. “You’ll be able to handle him.”
I hope that is true too.
Placing my hand in my brother’s, I slide out of the car and make sure there is not a wrinkle in place.
Was it necessary to dress nicely for a meeting with my father? No.
But I wanted to. I wanted to wear a dress that I designed to show my strength. I wanted to come off as a boss ass bitch and I feel like that with the dress, the black heels and my hair nicely pulled back.
I look like a real cartel princess.
The three of us walk into the house and head straight to my father’s office.
A part of me wants to divert and head straight to Camila’s side of the house.
In the week or so since the wedding, I’ve been talking to her every single day.
She sounds scared every single time I speak to her, and I want to be able to make her feel safe.
My sister is one of the main reasons why I wanted this meeting with my father. I overheard the conversation between Leo and Santos on the plane ride to Austin on my wedding day. I heard Leo say that Camila wants out, and I may know a way to make that happen. I just need her to agree to it. It will be hard since it will mean she will be away from us, but this will be a good thing for her, she just has to do it.
Like every other time, the door to my father’s office is closed. This time though, Leo approaches the door and doesn’t even bother to knock. He just waltzes in like he doesn’t give a shit.