Exhaling, Alexis nodded, eager to get into the car and away from the city. “I didn’t know if that was you. I wasn’t sure what to do. I was all alone here.”
He waved her toward the car. “Come on! You’re with me now, and we’re getting the hell away from this place for a few days.”
That’s exactly what she needed to make her remember how much she wanted to go with him, so she hurried over to the car and jumped in, tossing her bag into the backseat. She didn’t want to think or worry anymore. She just wanted to be free.
Hunter turned to look over at her and asked, “Ready?”
“Let’s do this!”
“Okay. Until we get out of the city, I need you to get down so no one can see you. Everything taken care of upstairs?”
As she slid down onto the floor in front of the passenger seat, she nodded. “Lauren is going to make sure everyone thinks I’m hiding out in my room for the next few days.”
Suddenly, Hunter’s expression darkened. “I told you not to tell anyone, Alexis.”
Just the sight of him upset with her made all the worrying return. She didn’t have a choice. He didn’t understand that if she didn’t appear for a few days, someone would wonder what was wrong.
“I had to tell her. People will start to ask questions if there’s no explanation why I’m not around for more than a few hours. Lauren will take care of that. Trust me, she’d never do anything to hurt me. We can trust her. She’ll keep this a secret.”
“And if Paul forces her to tell him, you don’t think she will?” he asked, not believing in the woman who had watched over her forever.
Alexis shook her head. “She won’t tell a soul. You can trust her. She loves me like a sister. Sisters don’t betray one another.”
“And you think anyone is going to believe that you’re staying in your room for days on end? Lauren’s sweet, but I’m not sure she can carry off that lie.”
“I’m an actress. I think most people believe I act like that most of the time.”
He pressed his foot down on the gas and smiled. “Well, they’d be wrong. Hold on. As soon as I get us out of the city, we’ll be in the clear.”
“I brought my wig in case.”
The car quickly swerved left and then right, and Alexis grabbed onto the seat after nearly bashing her head on the bottom of the dashboard. She hadn’t anticipated getting away to be like this.
Hunter reached over and touched her arm. “You okay? I had to take that turn a bit hard. I promise I’ll try not to do that again.”
Touched by his concern, she smiled up at him. “I’m fine. It’s just nice to be out of that apartment, even if it’s this way.”
“Well, I don’t think the world would forgive me if I hurt Alexis Marchand. I’d be the most hated man on the planet.”
She giggled at his ridiculous claim. “Just a little exaggeration, don’t you think?”
Focused on the road, he smiled. “Well, then I wouldn’t forgive myself. Hang on.”
The car swerved again and she closed her eyes. Who would have imagined it could be so scary in a car speeding down the road, but not being able to see where they were going or what was ahead of them made it truly harrowing.
No matter how frightened she got, though, she knew she was safe with Hunter. Opening her eyes, she looked up at him and even in her fear, she couldn’t help but smile. He really was very good looking, and he had a real knight in shining armor way about him.
She didn’t know how long it took or how many times the car swerved left and right, but it didn’t matter. For at least a short time, she’d escaped her world, but it didn’t feel like when she and Lauren ran off to Atlantic City.
No, this time was different. She didn’t feel so much like she was running away but moving toward something. She didn’t know what it was, but she liked the anticipation that came along with it.
A few minutes later, Hunter tapped her on the top of her hand. “We’re out of the city. I think you can get up now.”
She sat up in the seat and gave her legs a badly needed stretch. “Should I put on my wig?”
Hunter turned to look at her and shook his head. “No. I like the way you are naturally.”
Out of habit, she put her hand up next to her face to hide herself. “But what if someone sees me?”