“I’ve convinced myself that this is the only spot in the room where someone can’t get to me through the window. I bet you think that’s crazy. I mean, we’re on the top floor, the penthouse.”
“It’s not crazy,” he said, remembering how ridiculous he’d thought Carla had been with her concern about the windows the other day. “I don’t think you’re crazy Alexis.”
She forced a smile that only accentuated the pain in her eyes. “I want to be strong. I do. And then I fell apart out there. I hate that.”
Taking a step into the room, he stopped. “You didn’t fall apart. You reacted the way anyone else would.”
“Thanks, but it’s such a drama. I hate that. It probably sounds bizarre—an actress who hates drama—but I do. I just want to live my life. Do you know I haven’t done anything but worry about this stalker since I moved here? Well, other than stupidly running off with Lauren and freaking everyone out.”
“Don’t beat yourself up about that. Everyone needs to break out sometimes.”
Alexis shook her head. “But Paul was right. I can’t do that. I can wish all I want, but even with all the money I have, I can’t buy the kind of life I wish I could have. Not and be the person I am now. It’s like I have to choose between doing something I love and having a life I can be happy with. It’s not fair.”
Hunter suddenly wanted to give her that life, at least for a few days. It was crazy, but he didn’t care.
He walked over to where she sat and crouched down in front of her. “Let’s go. Right now.”
Looking down at him with eyes full of surprise, she asked, “Where?”
“We can get away from here. We can go anywhere we can find privacy. I can work from wherever we go. We’ll keep it a secret so no one will know. Not Lauren or Carla or the bodyguards or even Paul.”
Alexis leaned forward and clasped his hands. “Are you serious?”
“Yes. Tell me where you want to go and we’ll drive there. Name the place. I think getting you away from here will do us both good.”
What he hoped was his hunch about who might be behind this whole stalker thing would come to light once he had her in a secret place.
Maybe they could go to a cabin in the mountains somewhere. Or the desert. Or a secluded beach house. Anywhere she wanted, he’d take her.
“Take me to where you live. I want to see where you were before you came here.”
Of all the places she could want to go, the estate was the last place he knew he should take her. Persephone had a rule that only he and the other employees were allowed there.
But he didn’t want to refuse her this, so he quickly devised a plan where she could stay on the estate since his room was out of the question. The estate had a guest house on the other side of the property, so they could go there.
Nick and Persephone would just have to understand he had his reasons for doing this.
“Okay, I’ll take you to the estate.”
“Really? But should it just be the two of us? I’ve never been without Lauren since she became my assistant, Hunter.”
Standing, he shook his head. “It has to be just the two of us.”
Worry settled into her face. “You don’t think Lauren could be behind this stalker’s letters, do you? Is that why you want to get me away from everyone?”
In truth, he didn’t think Lauren was part of it, but he didn’t know about Carla or the rest of the people Alexis surrounded herself with. His gut told him no matter how much they all said they loved her, someone knew more than they were telling.
“No, but I don’t know about everyone else,” he admitted, hoping he didn’t frighten her.
The idea that someone you trusted with your life may want to hurt you could terrify anyone.
“So you don’t want me to tell anyone where we’re going?” she asked with hesitation in her voice.
He held his hand out to take hers. “Do you trust me, Alexis?”
Without a hint of reluctance, she placed her hand in his palm and let him pull her to her feet. Looking up into his eyes, she said, “I do. I’m sure a lot of people would say I shouldn’t because we haven’t even known each other for long at all, but I do trust you, Hunter.”
“Then tell no one where we’re going. I’ll get a car and text you when we’re ready to leave. Take the elevator down to the garage alone. Just be sure no one comes with you.”