Page 56 of Behind the Scenes

“You’re welcome.”

A second later, she leaned over toward him and whispered, “Thank you.”

“My pleasure. Anytime.”

A confused look settled into her features, and then she shook her head. “I didn’t mean for that. I meant for distracting everyone.”

“Oh. Well, anytime for that too.”

A blush came over her, making her cheeks turn a sweet shade of pink. Hunter watched as she sipped her coffee and couldn’t help think no one in the world knew how special Alexis Marchand truly was. Whatever they saw in her up on the screen couldn’t compare to what she showed him sitting cross-legged drinking her morning coffee.

He’d been wrong about her being a Hollywood diva. She was just the girl next door deep down.

Smiling to himself, he thought about how Gideon and Xavier would kill to see Alexis like this. Then again, he suspected they liked the movie star. For his fantasies, though, he’d take the person he knew she was.

Sensual, sweet, and even thoughtful. He’d take that Alexis any day.

Chapter Eighteen

Alexis couldn’t rememberthe last time she slept with a man and it didn’t feel awkward the next time she saw him. Of course, since Hunter lived less than fifty yards away from her, the situation with him was a little different.

Still, that they could sit in the living room together and drink their morning coffee without strangeness creeping in between them made her happy. She didn’t feel embarrassed about their time together, even though every time she thought about how incredible he made her feel as he slid in and out of her body, she blushed a little.

Her cheeks grew warm, so she placed her coffee cup on the table in front of her and covered her face with her hands. The last thing she needed was Lauren thinking she was getting sick. She’d hover over her like a mother hen, which would make getting to Hunter’s room again tonight difficult.

That she already had a plan in her mind for how she’d sneak down the hall to be with him made her feel lightheaded. She hadn’t experienced the thrill and exhilaration of a new romance in so long, she’d forgotten how wonderful it felt.

Looking across the room, she saw him pretending to focus on whatever was happening in the kitchen, but a closer look told her he was paying attention to her. She liked that. Alexis hadn’t forgotten what he’d said about her being perfect. She doubted she’d ever forget that. What woman could? The world probably thought she heard that compliment every day, but acting turned out to be more like living under a microscope. People always seemed to be looking for flaws and imperfections, so it ended up that not only had she never heard anyone say she was perfect, but she’d heard the exact opposite enough times to start believing the critics and naysayers.

“Alexis, did you hear me?”

She turned to see Lauren and Carla standing next to the couch looking down at her like they were waiting for an answer. Unfortunately, in her daydreaming about Hunter and their time together, she’d completely dazed out.

“I’m sorry. I was lost in thought. What’s up?”

“Are you okay?” Lauren asked in that concerned voice she used so often lately.

“Yeah. Why?”

“Your face looks red. You’re all flushed. Should I call the doctor?”

She and Carla leaned in as if to examine her flushed skin further. God, she loved them, but they really were part of that whole microscope life she could do without.

Reaching over, she grabbed her coffee cup and took a sip. “For a flushed face? There are people in the world who are on death’s doorstep who can’t afford to see a doctor. I’m not going to bother one because you two worry too much. I’m fine. I had a great night, and I’m feeling better than I have in a long time.”

Lauren gave her another long stare like she wanted to see if her claim would hold up and then sat down on the couch next to her. “Okay. That’s good. So what’s on the schedule today?”

“Well, I went out for a walk last night and the neighborhood is really great. I’d like to get out again today too.”

Out of the corner of her eye, Alexis saw Hunter smile as Lauren’s and Carla’s mouths dropped open in surprise.

“You went out last night?” Lauren asked in a shocked voice. “I thought you were in your room all night.”

Turning toward Hunter, she smiled. “I had a case of wanderlust, so Hunter was good enough to accompany me on a little walk. The neighborhood is pretty nice.”

Lauren looked over at him and then at Carla before turning back to face Alexis. “Wow! I’m so glad you got out. I thought after what happened outside that gym that you wouldn’t go out for a while.”

Alexis waved off her concern. “No way. I’m not going to spend the rest of my life scared.”