Page 59 of Behind the Scenes

He thanked the doorman and rushed upstairs to find out what the hell had happened. All four bodyguards sat in the living room chatting like nothing important was happening. What the fuck was wrong with these people?

Thankfully, Alexis had gone back to her room, so she wouldn’t have to hear what he had to say to the men. Folding his arms across his chest, he worked to keep his voice calm as he asked, “Why aren’t any of you downstairs like I told you to? I said that there needed to be at least one of you in the lobby at all times. Why isn’t one of you down there?”

The four men looked at each other and then back at him. Malcolm, the head of her security team, shook his head. “We were told not to do that, so that’s why we’re all up here in the penthouse.”

“Who told you to go against the very thing I told you to do?” Hunter asked in amazement.

No wonder this stalker believed he could get to Alexis.

“Paul. He said we needed to stick close by her at all times we’re in the building after she ran away to Atlantic City. That’s why we’re all up here.”

Hunter’s mind raced. Why would Paul go directly against his orders and tell the bodyguards to leave the lobby unsecured?

Lauren walked into the living room as he said to Malcolm, “Forget what Paul said. I want one of you in that lobby at all times. Round the clock! Do you understand me?”

The men nodded and Malcolm stood to leave. “Got it. I’ll take the day shift. Kyle, you take the night shift tonight.”

“Hunter, Alexis wants to speak to you. She’s in her room.”

As much as he wanted to comfort her, he needed to investigate that letter first. “I have work to do, Lauren.”

Frowning, she answered, “She wants to talk to you, Hunter. I think it’s important.”

“Fine. I’ll be right there.”

Lauren hurried off, but Hunter had one more person to question. He saw Mark walking toward the kitchen and yelled, “Mark, I need to speak to you.”

The man stopped, and as he turned around, Hunter saw his face told the story that he’d been hiding something. Damnit, they didn’t have time for secrets.

“Mark, who gave you that envelope to give to Alexis?”

His blue eyes grew wide, and then he looked down at the floor. “Nobody gave it to me. I found it in the elevator.”

Jesus! Did none of these people understand what was at stake here? It was like none of them realized the danger they kept putting Alexis in.

“What the fuck is wrong with all of you? Do you want to see Alexis hurt?” Hunter asked, barely able to keep himself from lashing out at Mark.

The man looked up and shook his head. “I didn’t think telling a white lie about where I found it would hurt anyone. It was from her agent, so I didn’t think it would be a problem. I didn’t want to see Carla or Lauren get in trouble because they dropped it when they went down to get the mail. I didn’t mean any harm.”

Hunter watched as Mark explained himself and had to admit that he didn’t seem to be acting guilty. And the envelope had looked like it had been from Alexis’s agent. Nonetheless, he joined Kyle and Carla at the top of Hunter’s list of who might be the stalker or his helper on the inside.

“Fine. Join Malcolm downstairs in the lobby, and if anyone—and I mean even a single soul—comes with anything for Alexis, I want you to hold him there and alert me immediately. Understand?”

Mark nodded and left without saying another word. Hunter closed his eyes and tried to calm down, knowing he had to go talk to Alexis. He couldn’t let her see him worried, no matter how much this morning had unnerved him.

Standing in front of her door, he hesitated before knocking. He didn’t know what to tell her because he felt like he was failing at this case. Finally, he knocked and she quietly said, “Come in.”

Bracing himself for what he’d find, he expected to see her a mess. He opened the door and saw her sitting on the grey loveseat in the corner of the room. Her eyes weren’t red from crying, and she looked okay.

But appearances might be deceiving.

He closed the door behind him but didn’t go any further into the room. What he wanted to do he couldn’t—take her into his arms and make her forget the world beyond them.

“Do you know why I’m sitting over here?” she asked in a low voice.

He heard defeat in her words. Defeat because the stalker had once again upended her life, and he hadn’t done a damn thing to stop him.

Hunter shook his head but didn’t answer.