It had been pushed down by life, by love, and by her career, but in just the short time Hunter had been in her life, she’d found that strength once more.
And she never wanted to lose it again.
Chapter Seventeen
Hunter slowly awokeand opened his eyes, still not used to his new room. As he eased into consciousness, he saw a blond head resting on his chest.
They’d had sex hours before. Mind blowing sex, the kind you never forget. Three times. And now she lay curled up next to him sleeping with her head on his chest.
But they both had clothes on. Craning his neck, he looked down her body and saw that wasn’t exactly the case. While he was fully dressed, she wore nothing other than a t-shirt.
He smiled, thinking to himself that he could get used to waking up and seeing those gorgeous legs and ass every morning. His cock twitched in his pants, as eager as the rest of him to go for round four.
A noise outside in the hallway tore him from the fantasy he’d begun to construct about enjoying an early morning lovemaking session. Looking down at Alexis, he stroked her hair and smiled, still having a hard time believing what they’d done last night.
Not regretting it, though. No, he definitely wasn’t unhappy about sleeping with her. He just hadn’t planned on it. But now that they’d gone there, he certainly wanted to continue what they started.
And now seemed like a great time to do just that.
Sliding his hand down her back, he cupped her firm ass and inhaled deeply. The image of her riding him while he squeezed that ass made him want to get down to business right now.
Alexis lifted her head and looked up at him sleepily. Smiling, she said, “Hey, good morning.”
“Good morning. Did I wake you or did the noise out there do that? There’s something going on in the hallway,” Hunter said with a smile, loving how sweet she looked first thing in the morning.
She really was perfect.
And just as he began to pull her up on top of him, she suddenly sat up straight, yanking the sheet off the bed to wrap it around her and cover that beautiful ass and those sexy legs. Clutching it just above her breasts, she said frantically, “Oh my God! I didn’t expect to sleep so late. I never sleep until morning. God, of all the days for my body to finally figure out how to sleep, why did it have to be today? Everyone’s up already!”
“So? You slept in a little. You deserve it,” he said as he looked down at the bulge in his pants. “I say we go for another round right now. Trust me, I’m ready.”
Her gaze zeroed in on his pants and then she looked up at his face. “Another round? This is no time for joking. Everyone is going to know we were together!”
Hunter stood and pulled her to him to kiss her. “I wasn’t joking, and what’s the problem with your assistants and your bodyguards knowing we spent the night together?”
Alexis wriggled out of his hold and began looking around the room. “I don’t want them to know. That’s the problem. Where the hell are my pants?”
With each moment she looked horrified to be there with him, his ego grew more and more bruised. “Is there some problem with us being together?” he asked sharply, not caring that she may think he was overstepping his bounds.
She stopped and looked at him, frowning. “No. That’s not it at all, Hunter. I just prefer to keep my private life private.”
Living with two assistants and having bodyguards around at all times made any kind of privacy unlikely. How she thought she could ever keep any part of her life private he couldn’t understand.
Her face lit up, and she lifted the pink jogging pants in the air. “Found them! Will you go out there and distract them for me? I need to be able to get to my room unseen.”
“You mean like Carla did with me?” he asked pointedly.
As she got herself dressed, she looked confused by how he was acting. “Why are you being difficult like this?”
“Because I’m not used to women I’ve just slept with being ashamed to admit they’ve been with me.”
Alexis let out a huge sigh and frowned. “It’s not like that. I promise. I just don’t feel like gossiping with Lauren and Carla about how you were in bed because that’s what’s going to happen if they find out.”
“Yes. I know we look like adults, but the reality is that sexy time with a hot man brings out the teenage girl in all of us. It’s not pretty, but there it is. There’s no way I’m going to escape talking about how you were in bed, Hunter.”