Page 59 of Perfect Cowboy

It’s temporary like everything else in life.

My dad reminds me that my mom is going to be pissed, which I already knew. Her church friends don’t always practice being charitable, and she’ll be the brunt of gossip, something that she absolutely hates.

Bobby busts my balls for a good twenty minutes before he finally relents and offers to let Ashley work for Reloved while she’s at the ranch, which is Savanna’s jewelry business.

Their fake relationship had a lot of drama, and I stood by both of them throughout it. I knew that ultimately Bobby would support me and respect my decision, but it’s still a relief to have him on my side.

Cameron’s only concern is Ashley bringing trouble to the ranch’s doorstep, which is possible but not likely. The potential threat saw my truck and left, so he’s not likely to show up on my property.

He’d be outnumbered and wouldn’t walk away from the encounter.

“Gavin?” Ashley asks, standing in the doorway of the bedroom.

She’s spent the day holed up working on her clients’ projects in Photoshop, only appearing to make our meals and ask for my opinion on some logos and book covers she’s designing.

The girl is very talented in more ways than one.

I’ve been maintaining the trails with the snow blower, starting to load up our stuff so we can leave first thing in the morning, and working on the ranch’s breeding program.

My laptop comes with me wherever I go, so luckily I’m not completely out of touch while in the middle of nowhere.

“What’s up?”

Her hair is in a high ponytail and she’s wearing dark-rimmed glasses, both of which are giving me all kinds of librarian porn fantasies.

“Are you fucking me again tonight?”

I chuckle, confident she’s able to read my mind, and rise to my feet, giving her a pointed look. “Do you want me to fuck you again tonight?”

“Is that even a real question?”

I take a few steps closer, studying her for any signs of hesitation. I’m past the point in my life where I fuck whoever I want without caring about their feelings.

When Ashley left, I stopped believing love was worth the potential for pain and betrayal. I hooked up with girls who I knew wanted to be in a relationship with me, even though I never considered dating them.

It was easy and convenient, but I’m sure the encounters didn’t leave them feeling too good the next morning, whereas I was able to easily walk away.

But I’m no longer that guy.

“What exactly are you looking for from me?” I ask.

Ashley meets me where I’m standing and looks up – way up, the girl is tiny – so she can see my eyes.

They’ve always given me away.

“Your dick mostly. But also your tongue.”

I laugh again. “Be real with me. I’m serious. I don’t want you to end up getting hurt.”

“I’m not in high school anymore,” Ashley says. “I don’t think sex means forever. I don’t even plan to still be in Montana in a month. I propose we just do whatever we want whenever we feel like it.”

“Friends with benefits?” I suggest.

“I mean… I’m not sure that I even like you enough to call you my friend.”

I lean down to kiss her, making a point to bite her lip. “I don’t like you either.”

“But the reason I’m asking is because I want to have a shower. I still have your cum dripping out of me from last night.”