“Okay, okay, hold on,” Bobby interjects. “Give me a second here. Can I just buy her shit? Tiffany’s? Isn’t that romantic?”
“On afirstdate?” Gavin demands. “Have you lost your damn mind?”
Bobby shrugs a massive shoulder. “I’d rather buy her something than go on a date. I’m finding an alternative that makes more sense. It’s actually rather genius.”
“Andthatis why you’re an asshole,” Gavin shoots back.
“I prefer strategic,” Bobby grumbles.
Gavin looks at me expectantly. “Cade?”
“Uh,” I reply. “What about a picnic? Watch the sunset? Make love under the stars?”
“Make love?” Bobby hoots. “Seriously, dude, ask Victory for your balls back.”
I sacrifice a piece of bacon so I can throw it at his head, which he unfortunately catches in his mouth.
“First date, guys.First. Date.” Gavin shakes his head as though he’s speaking to a couple of imbeciles. Maybe he is.
“Okay, dinner and a movie,” Bobby suggests. “Isn’t that like the gold standard of dating? Bring flowers or something? Besides, dude, she hasn’t even said yes yet.”
Victory and I went to dinner and a movie for our first date, but we were only kids. Surely the benchmark has been upgraded since then and people do other stuff now. With all the dating apps, maybe Bobby has a point and people just meet up to fuck.
“What’s your idea of a perfect first date then, tough guy?” I ask, with a challenge in my voice, “If we’re so dumb.”
“Something active,” Gavin replies. “Hike Yellowstone, go to a wine tasting, or check out an eccentric bookstore. Anywhere we can talk.”
“That sounds lame, man,” Bobby replies, shaking his head. “And likea lotof work. I seriously hope it ends in bed, or else what the hell is the point?”
“I’m not in a rush to bang her, man.”
Realization flickers across Bobby’s face, and suddenly he’s not busting Gavin’s balls anymore. “You’re in love with her.”
Gavin shrugs. “I think I could be.”
“Is it worth risking the friendship?” I ask tentatively.
Gavin nods. “Yeah, I think it is. We only get one shot at this life thing, and sometimes we need to take risks and put ourselves out there. By the way, what are you going to do about Victory?”
“Fuck,” I mutter, rubbing my hands vigorously over my face. “I have no idea. She owns me, man. There’s no one else for me.”
Pushing her out of my mind sure isn’t working, and how could it when finding her feels like the answer to a prayer?
“Don’t you ever get sick of the one-night rodeos, man?” I ask Bobby.
He shrugs. “Honestly, no. Football won’t last forever, so that’s where my focus needs to be. Maybe I just haven’t met my game changer yet. But I’m living the dream, guys, and I have no desire to change a fucking thing.”
“Maybe when you retire from football,” Gavin suggests.
“I don’t even want to think about that happening,” Bobby groans. “I’m so not ready for the ride to be over.”
“You’ll get lonely,” I accuse, even though I’m not sure Bobby knows the definition.
“I have no shortage of company,” he reminds me.
“Empty company,” Gavin interjects.
Bobby shrugs. “Focus, football, and fucking. It works for me, boys. It seems I’ll be the only one not putting a ring on it anytime soon. Or ever if I can help it.”