Page 77 of Perfect Alpha

I take a deep breath and do my best to stop the tears. “I’ve got Aidan. I promise you, kid, your son is safe. Okay? I’ve always got Aidan for the rest of my life. Look at me. Please. Help is coming, okay? Please, Hannah, just hold on. Okay? I need you. Hannah,please.”

Hannah opens her eyes, and my throat burns at the depth of the pain reflecting back. All the color has drained from her face, and I impatiently wipe away fresh tears.

When she tries to smile and squeeze my hand, the incredible strength of this selfless woman steals my breath.

Her hand is so cold, and her body is trembling violently. Logically, I know exactly what’s happening, but emotionally, I can’t accept it.

I won’t.

She’s not dying today.

“My baby…” Hannah manages, her hands coming to rest on her stomach.

We take a bump update picture every Friday so we can make a progression video like we did with Aidan. We will continue the tradition.


Rage and helplessness overpower my senses because I have no goddamn idea if they can save Hannah’s baby. She’s not at term and has so many injuries.

Why are the paramedics taking so long to get here?

“Hannah, you and the baby are going to be fine, okay?” I lie through my fucking teeth while praying as hard as I ever have that it’s true.

Her body is so mangled.

As much as I want to look away from the horror of what’s happening to my precious sister, I can’t. I need to be here for her and absorb all the pain I can while hoping it eases some of hers.

God, please don’t take her.

Please, please, please, take me instead.

“Love… you… Cade…” Hannah’s voice is so faint, I can barely hear her over the blood roaring in my ears.

“I love you, too. I love yousomuch, kid. Please, Hannah. Don’t go. Please. Not yet. It’s not your time.”

Why don’t I hear any fucking sirens? And where is the other driver? He crushed the passenger side of the truck, and now he’s gone. Why isn’t he helping us? Did he run? Is he drunk?

I can’t grab hold of any thoughts racing through my head long enough for them to make any fucking sense.

Hannah is bleeding from everywhere. I want to get out of the truck, find him, and kill him with my bare hands for his carelessness, but I can’t risk leaving Hannah for even a second.

If she is leaving this earth, she isn’t leaving it alone.

Oh, please, no.

“Love Aidan… Dad… Victory… Jimmy… Julia… Kevin…”

Something terrifying is happening to Hannah’s eyes – they’re becoming vacant. And her body is so fucking cold. She’s like a goddamn iceberg, and she’s thrashing so wildly that I’m terrified she’s going to hurt herself even worse.

Death throes.

Jesus, no.


Hannah is staring blankly into space, and she’s not blinking nearly enough.

“I’ll tell them,” I manage through a racking sob. “I promise, Hannah, I’ll tell them you love them. Then you’ll come home from the hospital and tell them again yourself.”