Page 70 of Perfect Alpha

“Ascumbagwho is afraid of commitment with anyone other than you. I’ll kill him. This has to do with Britt?”

I tell Hannah the whole sordid tale, skipping any details that would scandalize her sibling ears. She’s as livid as I am.

“You can’t say anything,” I plead.

“Of course, I won’t. You know you can trust me.”

And I also know that today is going to be the last time I ever let Cade Fenway touch me.

Chapter 26


Bobby’snamelightsupmy phone screen.

I’ve been actively ignoring Cade, so my first instinct is to direct the call to voicemail. Whatever he has to say is likely Cade-related, but curiosity overcomes me, and I answer against my better judgment.

“How’s it going, baby girl?” he drawls.

“Oh, you know,” I reply, absently drumming my fingers on the back of the manuscript I’m reading. I do my best to be primarily digital, but sometimes I need paper in my hands. “Just getting a few more hours of work in before I meet a friend for dinner.”

I’m fully jarred out of the dystopian universe I was immersed in, and the sounds of the city slowly work their way back into my consciousness. When I first moved here, I hated the balcony because I didn’t recognize the beats of the city.

Now its pulse has become familiar.

Not welcome.

Not home.

But familiar.

“Do you want to come to the game tonight?” He sounds perfectly innocent, though undoubtedly he isn’t.

“With who?” I ask suspiciously. “Is Gavin in town, too?”

“Nah,” Bobby replies. “We’re swamped on the ranch, so if we win, I’m flying back home tomorrow morning. If we lose, I’m stuck in meetings all fucking day. So, whoever you come with is up to you, baby girl. I just miss your beautiful face.”

“Maybe I’ll bring Vince,” I try, with a challenge in my voice.

“Sure,” Bobby agrees easily, “whatever you want.”

“What time?” I ask with a sigh.

“Kickoff is at four-thirty, but I’ll be at the stadium most of the day. We can hang out after though?”

“Sounds good.”

Disconnecting with Bobby, I immediately call my friend Savanna, who I met at the dojo. “Are you still good for dinner tonight?” I ask after we’ve exchanged pleasantries.

“Definitely. I can’t wait, Victory.” Her charming Irish brogue makes me smile.

“My friend invited us to watch his game tonight,” I offer.

“What game?” Savanna asks innocently.

Oh, the poor girl.

“He plays for the Knights,” I admit.