Victory shimmies out of her jeans and sits up to pull her shirt over her head. I grit my teeth at the sight of her in a black silky bra. When she unhooks it to reveal the pert, perfect breasts I love so much, a needy groan escapes my throat.
Scrambling to get naked as quickly as possible, I frantically yank my shirt over my head. Her laugh is my favorite soundtrack, and she reaches over to unbutton my fly with a sexy smile on her face. Even that slight gesture has me panting. She pulls my jeans down, and when I start to remove my boxer briefs, she grabs my hands.
“This is as naked as you get, mister.” She lies down and arches her back against me. I slip my arm under her neck, and my other hand finds her hip, playing with the string of her thong.
Possessively moving my hand to cover her sexy, toned stomach, I pull her even closer. “Are you warming up?” I ask tenderly, rubbing my stubble against her neck and making her purr.
“Yes,” she admits. “Now go to sleep.”
I laugh and move one leg in between hers so that her tight little pussy rests on my thigh. “I’m not tired.”
“I’m exhausted,” she replies, faking a yawn.
I nip her neck. “Let me try to wake you up.”
“Didn’t you get enough from Britt?” she asks, bitterness dripping from every word.
“I didn’t do anything with Britt,” I answer honestly, pushing my erection against Victory’s ass and groaning. “I swear, angel. I didn’t.”
“So why did you say you were going to?”
It’s a good question to which I have no good answer. I opt for the truth in the absence of knowing what words will save me. “Because I’m an asshole.”
“So you haven’t come since…”
“Since I ate you out in my bedroom?” I rasp. “No.” Sliding my hand lower on Victory’s stomach makes her quiver.
“Do you promise?” she asks.
Her voice breaks and she sounds so uncertain, not trusting that I haven’t betrayed her. It cracks my heart in two because she is way too good for me, and I need to make up for everything I’ve done.
I kiss her neck and slide my hand lower. “I promise on my life. I didn’t touch anyone other than you. Are you waking up, angel?”
“Getting there. You’ll have to try a bit harder.”
She leans back further so her head rests on the crook of my shoulder, and I slide my hand down to hold her other hip. When I snap her thong off so I can access the warm wetness I’m craving, she giggles.
“You’re dangerous for my wardrobe.”
“I’ll buy you more,” I promise, hooking my leg around hers to keep her immobile. I splay my hand on her stomach and work my middle finger down to her clit, finding her soaked, silky and smooth. “Fuck.”
Locking my mouth on her neck, I bite and suck gently on the tender skin, her legs moving restlessly while she whimpers.
God, her response has always done me in.
Rubbing tireless circles around her clit with my middle finger has her gasping my name. I glide my free hand down so I can slowly work a finger inside her, and she moans desperately. The throaty sound sends fire radiating along my spine and directly into my aching cock.
“You can be as loud as you want for me now,” I encourage, loving her moans as my fingers dance over her clit to find all the remembered places that make her needy.
“Nothing feels better than you,” she purrs, and I plunge a finger inside her.
God, I’m so fucking tired of having the past between us. I need to give my girl some credit. She’s older now and might be willing to get a shovel and help me bury my mistakes.
“Inside you is my favorite place on earth,” I murmur, sucking hard on her neck to be sure I’ll leave a mark.
I wonder whatVincewill think aboutthat.
Remembering exactly how to work her comes as naturally as breathing. Sliding another finger inside her, I stir all the places she loves while torturing her clit. My fingers move straight up and down and then side-to-side before pushing it like a button, my hand vibrating tirelessly.