The earnestness burning from his eyes makes my heart race, and I need to meet him halfway. He can’t be the only one who makes changes or goes out on a limb. Communication is new for us, so it’s going to be a bumpy road until we find our way.
But he’s right – being apart won’t help.
“Okay. I’ll stay,” I say. “I don’t want to lose you either.”
“Never,” he vows.
“And we’ll fight for Aidan. Together.”
“We will,” Cade agrees. “I’m just terrified we’ll lose.” He blinks away tears, and I lean in to kiss his eyelids.
“You never lose,” I remind him.
“I lost you,” he whispers, and the raw anguish in his voice strips me bare.
“And now you won me back. Somehow. I’m still trying to figure out how that happened,” I tease.
“It’s because I have an enormous cock,” Cade quips, and his half-smile melts my heart.
“That,” I agree. “But you have a couple of other redeeming qualities, too.”
He kisses my neck. “Mmm, tell me more.”
I pull his shirt over his head, and the sight of his strong, solid chest never fails to make my breath hitch. Leaning down, I kiss his heart, which hammers against my lips. He’s coiled like a snake, and it fills me with joy that he’s so willing to fight for us again.
And I need to let him and fight beside him, not against him.
“Your heart. It’s even bigger than your dick.”
Cade chuckles and lets out a contented sigh. “What else?”
Trailing kisses along his neck, throat, and collarbone, I kiss each of his shoulders and down one of his biceps.
“These arms,” I answer. “There is nowhere in the world I’m safer. And the shoulders that want to carry the load for everyone you love. I’m so grateful to be on that list.”
“Angel.” Cade’s voice breaks, and it breaks me, too. “You’re at the top of the list.”
Falling to my knees, I kiss his abs, which tremble under my touch. “Plus, it’s pretty cool to tell people my boyfriend has an eight-pack. Not gonna lie.”
His hands are in my hair while I drag his zipper down with my teeth, making him whimper.
“And these lines.” My greedy fingers are all over the solid V of muscle encasing his perfect cock. “This is the stuff dreams are made of, and looking at you makes me ache.”
His cock is hard as hell. I kiss it through the thin material of his boxer briefs, and his fists clench roughly in my hair. I teasingly draw circles on the head with my tongue, and he impatiently strips, taking the base in his fist and rubbing the crown across my lips.
“Let me help you,” he suggests.
“I was doing just fine on my own.”
“Too slow,” Cade replies through gritted teeth, trying to push into my mouth.
When I nip the engorged head, he growls, and his grip slides from my hair to the back of my neck.
“Be good,” he warns.
“You like me bad,” I purr.
He slowly strokes himself, the muscles in his forearm flexing with every movement. The unbelievably sexy view makes it uncomfortably hard to breathe.