“Fair,” I contend.
“I’m guessing you’re not married. I’m sure you have someone – or a few someones – in the picture. But let’s keep it just the two of us tomorrow, okay?”
“I don’t bring pussy into business. My two worlds stay very separate, so no worries on my end.”
Dex laughs again and this time, even my lips twitch. I think that I might like him, too.
* * *
A textfrom Mia comes through right before I’m about to head to my lunch meeting.
Mia: Morning, Mr. Big Dick. Have you already forgotten about me?
As much as I should be tempering her expectations because I don’t have time to cater to the emotional needs of a woman who wants me to be accessible – I do the exact opposite. It’s fine, though, because she’ll be in the past as of next week and my life can resume as usual.
Instead of replying, I call Jacqueline. “Let my lunch date know I’ll be 15 minutes late. Something came up.”
“What?” she asks suspiciously. “Nothing comes up without going through me.”
I sigh. “Just listen without giving me the third degree for once, okay?”
“So first I have to cancel your evening engagements tomorrow, and now you’re going to be late to meet with Will? What’s going on?”
Will is a personal friend, not a business associate, so I don’t give a shit if I’m late. If Jeffrey wasn’t so busy managing every other part of my life, I’d bring him in to handle Jacqueline’s job, too, because he’s a lot easier to handle. She focuses solely on my calendar and making my workday smooth, and he handles everything else that comes up in my personal life and coordinating major work projects.
“That’s right,” I tell her before disconnecting the line.
Maybe I should have fucked her. Then she’d be a lot more pleasant to be around.
I browse through an online selection of Carine Gilson lingerie and order a handmade red silk and lace thong with matching bra – both are mostly sheer despite costing me over a grand. I add in a masquerade mask for fun, and after a cursory glance at Mia’s dossier to find out her office address, I request to have everything boxed and delivered with a note that says,Wear this for me on Saturday night.
I’m a connoisseur of pussy and whiskey, so I have zero doubts that I got Mia’s sizes right after feeling her body and having photographic benchmarks on my phone.
And with that task out of the way, I can concentrate on the rest of my day.
* * *
I had plannedto read Mia’s dossier in full on the way home, but something is stopping me. I pick up the phone instead and Gordon answers on the first ring.
“Is there anything I need to know about Mia?”
“Hey, Dean, nice to hear from you, how are –”
“Cut the shit. Are there any red flags?”
I’m the one who contacted her, so it’s rather unlikely she’s planning a heist to rob me out of house and home, but you never know. I don’t want to be so distracted by wanting her that I make a stupid decision.
Gordon pauses. “All the reports came back clean. There are some interesting elements, but they’re about her personal life and not red flags. Her move to New York from Kansas was rather abrupt. Seems like she’s running towards something or away from something – maybe both. I can dig deeper, but I wasn’t sure how far down the rabbit hole you wanted to go.”
I intend to find out, but not by reading a “creepy dossier” as my mom would say. For once, I want to get to know someone organically rather than developing preconceived notions based on a series of reports.
Gordon tells me about Mia’s job, but leaves out any personal facts he found. She’s somehow already wormed her way into becoming my longest-standing relationship, so I’ll have a few days to get to know everything else I’m curious about just by asking the girl.
She’s an auditor, one of my least favorite breeds of human beings, but it doesn’t matter. I’ll fuck her a few times – once isn’t going to be enough – and then she’ll be on her way with enough happy memories to keep her going for months.
Her incoming text makes me laugh out loud.
Mia: Okay, who are you, Mr. Big Dick? You somehow know where I work, and you just spent an obscene amount of money on lingerie.