And I definitely want to.

Dean: So am I forgiven?

Mia: Perhaps.

Dean: Based on the delay between you opening my picture and replying, I’m going to take that as a “hell yes.” You’re welcome.

Mia: Are you always so cocky? Maybe I was busy taking care of something that “popped up.”

Dean: I don’t doubt you were, although I’d be happy to take care of all your needs. Just say the word and I can have a car pick you up. You wear your sexy underwear, I’ll wear mine.

Mia: Tempting, but then I won’t get my dinner on Saturday.

Dean: I’d never cheat a lady out of a well-deserved meal. Speaking of which, don’t you owe me something? The reservation is made.

Mia: Under what name?

Dean: Obviously not mine. My assistant booked it.

Mia: Of course.

Dean: Where’s my picture of that beautiful face of yours?

Mia: Sorry, you already got your pic for today.

Dean: Ah, so that’s how we’re playing it.

Mia: Sweet dreams, mister.

My fingers itch to add Big Dick, but I don’t. His ego – and probably something else – have had enough stroking for one night.

Chapter Three


I just finished readingthe dossiers on both Dexters, saving Mia’s for later – I don’t need any distractions at work today, and that girl certainly qualifies. My administrative assistant, Jacqueline Durand, sets an espresso and printed copy of today’s schedule on the monstrous mahogany desk I’m sitting behind. Back-to-back meetings, as usual.

“How long have you been here?” she asks.

Jacqueline keeps long hours because I do. She prefers to arrive before me so she can be prepared to meet my needs for the day. But since sleep failed me last night thanks to thoughts of Mia, who gives my cock a mind of its own, I’m at the office even earlier than usual.

“Couldn’t sleep,” I mutter, not looking up or answering her question.

“Dexter Pruitt left another message for you.”

“I guess Palm Beach isn’t keeping him busy enough.”

“Not that one. The other one, the younger one. Didn’t you get my email yesterday that he’s been trying to get in touch?”


I’m really letting little Miss Mia get under my skin, and I can’t afford to be off my A-game right now. Or ever. Maybe I should give Gwynne, my long-term fuck buddy, a call to get Mia out of my system.

“I’ll call him back today.” I finally look up and give Jacqueline a smile that has been known to melt panties. But I’d never go there with an employee, let alone a subordinate, even if she is a total smoke show.

“You know where to find me if you need me.” She sashays out of my office, her long blonde hair nearly reaching the swell of her very nice ass.

I open Dex Junior’s dossier before calling him back, my eyes skimming over the photographs that Gordon included. He looks like a typical rich prick, though people could say the same about me. He’s been married for several years and has two kids, so my guess is that he’s gone soft.