How could I have not seen this coverage for days?
Maybe because I’ve been holed up in my apartment ignoring everything except work.
Fuck me.
And fuck Dean.
And fuck Gwynne.
“Fuck everyone!” I yell, but it doesn’t make me feel any better. “Needs time, my ass. What Mr. Big Dick needs is –” My words trail off as my sister’s next message flashes across the top of the screen.
Melanie: I’m so sorry. I just didn’t want you not to know. He doesn’t deserve you.
And I don’t deserve him. Guess we’re even.
Mia: I’m glad you told me. It hurts like a bitch, but I needed to see it.
Melanie: You okay? Want me to call after I get the munchkins to bed?
Mia: Tomorrow, okay? I just want to wallow in misery a bit tonight.
Melanie: You got it. Love you.
Mia: Love you, too.
I set my phone down and then inhale, letting the pain of what just happened wash over me. The hurt and anger, the outrage and despair, and the devastating sense of loss.
Dean has moved on. And so should I.
Mia: Please start the paperwork for my transfer to San Diego. Thank you for letting me know about such a great opportunity!
Jane: Sorry to see you go. Please e-mail me your official request so I can post your position.
Mia: Will do.
In a few short minutes, everything is submitted, but instead of being excited by the possibilities that come with a brand new life, I feel worse.
Like an impossible weight has just dropped onto my chest.
Like I can’t breathe.
Like it’s the worst mistake I’ve ever made.
Like I can’t live my life without Dean – because I honestly don’t think I can.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Mia really fucked me.
I’ve been called to the principal’s office, but at least I traveled here in a private jet. I wouldn’t blame Dexter Senior for pulling out of the deal now that it looks like I was fucking the auditor to try and cover up problems with my company.
I shouldn’t have gotten involved with her when I needed to be laser-focused.
I shouldn’t have forgiven her when she lied to me the first time.
But I don’t regret it or the time I spent with her, which makes me a damn fool.