Page 81 of Seductive Scoundrel

Mia: Cake. I want to bring something amazing tonight. It’s my first time going to this friend’s house.

Dean: What does she like?

Mia: Chocolate. Same as everyone else.

Dean: Strip House has a 24 layer chocolate cake. I’ll get Jeffrey to order one and bring it with me, okay? Lady M also has amazing cheesecake, so I’ll order one of those, too.

Mia: Don’t they have a waitlist? And the cakes are like $100.

Dean: I’ll get you one. Promise.

Mia: See you tonight, Mr. Big D boyfriend.

Dean: Later, girlfriend.

I don’t realize how hard I’m smiling until my cheeks hurt. The woman is a distraction, but I’m going to make it work. I’ll simply have to delegate even more than I already do. I’ll sit down with Jeffrey and figure out a plan to ensure I don’t go bankrupt catering to my new girlfriend.

I kind of love calling her that.

But when my last conference call of the day runs over time, I start to worry about my longevity if I make us late tonight. I switch to Bluetooth so I can walk and talk. Luckily, Jeffrey has the cakes waiting in the back of the idling car with Robert behind the wheel.

“You knew about this regulation for how long?” I ask the eager young CEO on the phone.

But it’s not enough to have a great idea if you don’t ensure it has legs to survive.

“Dean, we’ve been working our asses off to –”

“How long?” I interrupt as Robert navigates through traffic.

“A year, but –”

“You’re making me sorry – very sorry – I invested in you, Kevin.”

Government regulations can throw businesses for a loop, but this is unacceptable. The deadline for being compliant is three weeks away, and we’re nowhere close. Insurance isn’t my forte, but I invested anyway because Kevin impressed me and it’s supposed to be my fun project.

This isn’t fun.

“Please don’t say that. We’ll –”

“I’ve already said it. And now you need to fix it, or I’ll cut my losses and be done. I’m not usually wrong about people, but if I was wrong about you, I have no problem accepting it and walking away. I expect you to send Jeffrey daily updates. Hourly if need be. The app will be compliant with the new regulation by the deadline. There are absolutely no exceptions. Am I clear?”

“Yes, sir. We’ll get it done.”

My annoyance is simmering to a dangerous boil until I catch sight of Mia walking towards the car in a black dress that shows off every curve. She has a word with Robert, probably letting him know where we’re going because I still have no idea.

Usually, I like to know every detail, but in this case, it doesn’t really matter. Whoever these people are, they’re her friends and we’re going no matter where they live. I just hope it’s not in Jersey.

Mia slides into the backseat, and I let out a long breath while pushing the workday out of my mind. It’s nice to be able to do that and just be a guy hanging out with his girlfriend. World domination will have to wait a few hours.

“You got the cakes,” Mia squeals. “That’s good because I already told my friend and she’s so excited.”

“I’m glad you have such complete faith in me.”

We’re heading towards my neighborhood, which works out well for our after-dinner activities. Now that we’re officially a couple, surely that means it’s guaranteed I get laid.

“I’m a little nervous. I’ve never met my friend’s husband, and I feel like a bit of an idiot because she just refers to him as her hubby. I don’t even know his actual name.”

“New friend?”