I look at the Phoebe sized greasy fingerprints dotted across the top and collar of his now-wrinkled dress shirt. Even though he’s rumpled, I’ve never seen a man look sexier in jeans and a button-up shirt. “Are you sure? Your arm must have fallen asleep holding Phoebe for so long.”
“Weirdest thing, but it was – nice – holding her. Besides, I think you would have needed a crowbar to get her off me.”
I can’t help but smile. “She’s really taken with you. Thanks for being so wonderful tonight. It means more to me than all of the Channel dresses and Jimmy Choo shoes in the world. I love you, Mr. Big.”
“I love you, too,” he returns, pressing his lips to mine for a slow, sweet kiss that makes me want more. Way more.
“Take me back to the hotel and fuck me senseless, please,” I whisper, sliding my hand down to his cock.
“Your parents,” Dean says, removing my hand while he shoots me a look.
“Are in the kitchen, loading glasses and plates into the dishwasher. I need you, so either we can sneak up to my room and do things that will make my stuffed animals blush, or we can head to the hotel. Which is it?”
“The first option sounds fun, but considering how wonderful your parents have been to me, I’d prefer not to leave them with a bad impression. So hotel it is. Can you just promise me one thing?”
“Probably,” I reply, hoping his request involves the velvet handcuffs I bought that we haven’t used yet.
“Please, never drive a mini-van or worse, make me drive one. I don’t care if we have ten kids and are on vacation at Disney World, I just can’t deal with a mini-van.”
He looks so earnest that I can help but laugh even though I was hoping for a more fun request. “We’ll get an SUV. A big one.”
“You’re getting a big SUV in New York?” Dad asks. “I’m not sure that’s a wise decision, Mia.”
Dean and I both look at Dad and then chuckle. “We’re not getting an SUV. It was a joke,” I explain.
Dad nods. “Good. I was wondering about your judgment for a moment. Mia’s a decent driver on Kansas roads, but in a congested city like Manhattan, in a big vehicle…” He stops, making a horrified face.
“Funny, Dad.”
“Oh, stop teasing her, Darren,” Mom intervenes, coming into the living room and wrapping her arms around him.
They’re still in love – and I love it. Their relationship is one of the things that helped me to see what a shmuck Kyle is. He never looked at me the way that my dad looks at my mom. It’s what I want.
And it’s exactly what I have with Dean.
I’m the luckiest woman in the world.
“We’re going to take off,” I say, craving some alone time with my man – now. I walk over, giving each of my parents a big hug. “Thank you so much for everything.”
“Thank you for coming home. Don’t wait so long next time,” Mom replies and then moves over to give Dean a big hug. “And thank you for buying Mia a ticket. I’m so glad,” she gestures towards Dad, “we’re both so glad to have the opportunity to get to know you, Dean. You really are Mia’s Prince Charming. Please come back soon.”
Dean’s face is lit up like a Christmas tree, and it warms the depths of my soul. “Thank you for having me, Mrs. Ford…I mean, Marion,” he corrects as Mom opens her mouth to protest. He gives her another quick hug before shaking Dad’s hand. “Good to meet you, Darren. Let me say what a wonderful daughter you have. What a wonderful family. You’re a very lucky man.”
Now it’s Dad’s turn to beam. “Yes, I am. We’re expecting to see you both over the holidays. And, if I can convince Marion to get a substitute to teach her class for a few days, we’ll pop by the Big Apple and say hello.”
I give Dad a hug. “We’d love that.”
* * *
Fifteen minutesof chit-chat and good-byes pass before we hop into Dean’s rental car.
“Thank you,” I say softly as we pull away from my childhood home, my heart intact once again.
He puts his hand on mine. “Thank you. That was fun. Surprisingly fun. I’m glad I came, and I’m very glad we straightened everything out.” He picks my hand up, pulling it to his lips. “No more lies from now on. Just us.”
I nod as a sinking feeling settles in my stomach. Dean still doesn’t know about the sex tape or the audit. To be fair, I told Jane about my conflict and she isn’t concerned. And I’m not dealing with Dean’s company at all. That’s Martin’s territory. Plus, we’re a good way into the project. With any luck, it’ll be wrapped up soon anyway. No point in rocking that boat.
But the tape.