Dean: I’m stuck in meetings until midnight. But I’ll see you tomorrow at 7.
As much as I want to blow everything off and see Mia tonight, there’s no way I can. Not only would Jacqueline quite literally kill me, but I have a ton of work to catch up on from spending the weekend essentially out of commission.
It was a sacrifice I didn’t regret until right now.
At least it won’t happen again.
Mia was the first and last time I’ll make an ass of myself over a woman.
Chapter Eighteen
I’ve never been moreexcited about a date. Spending the evening eating pizza and watching a movie with Dean is better than going to an expensive restaurant dressed in Prada, especially now that our Florida weekend cemented what I mean to him. And I can’t wait to see what we become.
I’ve never been much of a glamor girl. It’s probably the Kansas in me. I’m just a small-town girl at heart who prefers jeans and staying home – which makes me question my ability to make rational decisions. NYC is non-stop people, concrete, smells, and bustle.
And I moved here, purposely.
I take a whiff of the pizza in my hands as I walk towards Dean’s apartment. A coworker recommended a mom-and-pop shop a block from Dean’s, and I understand why if it tastes as good as it smells. Of course, nothing goes better with thin crust pizza than a dense and delicious New York cherry cheesecake.
Okay, there are at least two things I love about New York – the cheesecake and Dean.
In record time, I’m standing outside his door, anxious to get my hands on both the man and the food. This audit has kept me so busy, I’ve been skipping lunch. GI Jane has us on a tight timeline, and taking the weekend off to go to Florida didn’t help.
Boss-lady would have a cow if she knew I was seeing Dean instead of combing through data tonight. Good thing I work quicker than Martin.
“Hi,” Mr. Big and Delicious greets as the door swings open. “Thanks for picking up dinner. You realize that we could have just ordered in?”
He shoots me a grin that doesn’t reach his eyes as he takes the boxes from my hands.
“I know, but I wanted to pamper you a little tonight. You don’t have to do anything except relax. I was thinking I’ll give you a massage complete with a happy ending later.”
A clipped chuckle escapes from his mouth. “Thanks, but that’s not necessary.”
“Not necessary?” I mouth as he heads towards the living room. My stomach twists into knots as I follow behind him.
Something is wrong.
My brain begins to list what it could be – maybe he met someone else, or Gwynne convinced him she’s less complicated than I am. Maybe he’s just done with me, or maybe he found out about the audit or Wally.
Or maybe he’s just having a bad day.
We sit on the couch and Dean puts the boxes on the coffee table in front of two place settings complete with grapefruit infused beer. The beer sets me at ease. Why would he go to the trouble of buying my favorite beer if he was going to break up with me?
“A coworker recommended this pizza place, so hopefully it’s good. Smells amazing,” I say, determined not to overthink his attitude. He’s probably had a busy day – nothing more.
“It does,” he replies, putting a piece of pizza on each of our plates. “Dig in.”
I watch him demolish his piece as silence envelopes us. But it’s not a good silence. It’s an uncomfortable silence – at least to me.
“How was work?” I finally ask, and then take a swig of my beer, hoping my spidey senses are tingling for nothing.
We sit in silence again as he finishes another slice and I stare at mine. Something is definitely off. I can either confront him or slowly turn into a basket case.
“Is something wrong?” I ask, the tension in my body multiplying by the nanosecond.