Page 37 of Seductive Scoundrel

“Yes!” I scream, grabbing my phone.

“Greyhound Rescue Society, Bianca speaking. How may I help you?” a cheery voice asks and I immediately want to hug her.

“Hi Bianca, I’m interested in becoming a dog walker.”

“Wonderful, we require volunteers to send in an application and then come to the center for orientation. When are you available?”

“I’ll email you the application now and then leave my place right away,” I almost shout, giddy with excitement.

Bianca’s laughter floats from the receiver. “That’s great. We love it when people are enthusiastic about helping our sweet dogs. See you soon.”

* * *

Less than an hour later,I stroll into the Greyhound Rescue Center ready to sell my soul. Dean is expecting to see me with a dog, and that’s exactly what he’s going to get.

Although why I’m going to so much trouble for some guy I just met, who thinks I’m someone else and is only interested in sex, makes me question my sanity.

“Hi, I’m Mia Ford,” I say to the lady at the desk. She’s only a few years older than me, and is completely stunning with long dark hair and a perfect olive complexion. Not what I was expecting. I was picturing someone more librarian-like or grandmotherish.

She extends her hand. “I’m Bianca, we spoke on the phone. Thanks for coming in.”

We shake hands as I return her warm smile. Although I’ve never been a true dog person, there’s something about this place and its cause that makes me feel good. Finding homes for Greyhounds who’ve spent their youth racing and are then discarded is a wonderful thing.

I don’t plan on adopting a dog since I’m not home enough with my crazy job, but I can volunteer once a week to walk and love a few. Actually, they’ll be doing me a favor because I need a reason to get out of my postage-stamp apartment.

“Thanks for letting me come in right away. I’m excited to get started.”

“Our pleasure. Isn’t that right, Wally?” Bianca bends and I stand on my tiptoes to see a dog leaning against her side, soaking up the attention she’s giving him. “Wally’s racing name was Diamond. He was quite the champion in his day.” He nudges her hand when she stops. “This guy is a cuddle monster. Loves to be loved. Such a great dog.”

“He’s sweet,” I agree. His coat is a shiny grey, and he has the biggest, saddest brown eyes I’ve ever seen.

“We don’t usually keep dogs at the front, but Wally’s special. He’s been here the longest and really needs a forever home. Hopefully, someone adopts him soon. I’ve been working on my husband, but he says that two kids and two dogs are the limit in Manhattan.”

The thought of squishing two adults, two kids, and two large dogs into an NYC-sized apartment makes me claustrophobic. “I’m going to agree with your husband in this case, although the look Wally’s giving me right now is tempting me to bring him home today.”

“This guy’s a definite charmer. Speaking of bringing Wally home, I went through your application and it looks great.”

“That’s awesome,” I say out loud, and then add, “because I really need to pull a dog out of my ass ASAP,” in my head.

A melodic laugh leaves Bianca’s lips. “In that case, I can send your reference requests out and once they come back, you could consider becoming Wally’s human mom.”

“I think I’ll start by volunteering at the center for now – if you don’t mind Wally?”

“Sounds good, but I’m warning you, he might just steal your heart. There’s still half an hour before orientation, so why don’t Wally and I give you a quick tour?”

“I’d love that.”

“Great! Follow us to the back,” Bianca invites, moving towards a closed door with Wally glued to her side. “So tell me, why do you want to volunteer here?”

“Well, there’s this guy and I’m an idiot,” I want to say, but instead go with a more politically correct answer. “I’m relatively new to the city, so I thought this might be a great way to get involved and give back.”

And I’ve officially turned into the world’s biggest bull-shitter. But at least Wally will benefit.

“That’s wonderful. You’re exactly the type of person we look for. Right, Wally?” she says as we pass through the back door. My heart squeezes painfully as I look down the row of kennels filled with greyhounds, waging their tails and hoping for a little affection – and I’m hooked. Guess I owe Mr. Big Dick another thank you.

* * *

After three ofthe best hours I’ve ever spent in Manhattan – aside from my date with Dean – Wally and I walk towards the Waffle and Dingy truck, ready to meet our date.