
If dear old Dad is retired, then why the fuck is he making job offers? Maybe I can negotiate to take less money and make a clean break so I don’t have to be involved with a company that’s no longer mine. I’ve never worked for someone else, and I’m not keen to pick up the habit now.

“I need to know everything about these guys. I want to know what they had for breakfast and where they last came. There’s zero room for error.”

“Understood. Everything will be waiting for you in the morning, and before you remind me, I already know you start working at 5 AM.”

“And this is why I pay you so well.”

Gordon chuckles. “Don’t I know it? Talk soon.”

With business temporarily out of the way, I can focus on my bombshell –Mia.

It feels good to make progress in two areas of my life this morning. My to-do list is never-ending, and she took so long to reply that the rest of my day is shot. But if she wants to see me, I’ll take her to bed and make up the time when everyone else is asleep.

There’s always a way if you work hard enough. And no one outworks me in the boardroom or the bedroom.

Dean: Are you going to return the favor? And lose the mask. I’ve already had my hands all over that sexy body, and I want to soak in a nice, long look. And my mouth will follow my eyes if you bring that ass over to me. I’ll send a car.

I’ve gone over the job offer another three times and approved the scope of work for two new projects before Mia sends her reply. I have a law degree from Harvard and an MBA from MIT for good measure, but I’m still going to have a third-party review and provide an outside opinion on the offer. It’s not because I don’t have confidence in my abilities – I do, in spades. But I don’t take any uncalculated risks in business.

Apparently, I save the dick pic decisions for my personal life.

Her response was worth the wait, and the picture on my screen nearly makes me lose my grip – both on the phone and my self-control.

Mia is clad in only a thong, and she angled her camera to show off her tiny waist, the luscious curve of her ass making me crave sinking my teeth into that perfect flesh. Her pert tits are more than a handful – and I have big hands – and her nipples are tight, pink, and perfect. But it’s the long, dark hair cascading in waves down her slender body that gives me pause.

Dean: Aren’t you supposed to be a blonde?

I’m a details guy. It works well in the office because I can call someone out on their bullshit like no other, but it can be annoying in relationships because most people lie and are inconsistent. That’s why I keep six degrees of separation from my bedmates after we’re both satisfied.

Mia: It was a wig, Sherlock.

Dean: Gotcha. Face shot?

Mia: Only with my mask on.

Dean: Cute. So when am I going to see your sexy self?

Mia: Next weekend?

Dean: I have claw marks on my back from you trying to get me to fuck you against the wall on the patio. You were begging me for it. And now you want to wait a week?

Mia: It would be fun foreplay, don’t you think?

Dean: It’s Sunday. I don’t do 7 days of foreplay. Isn’t that one of Dante’s stages of hell? It sounds familiar.

Mia: I’ll see you Saturday night. That’s only six days.

Dean: Six too many. Tell me you don’t want my dick sliding inside you right now. Mia, I can make you scream with my hands, mouth, and cock. You’ll shatter underneath me, and I’ll be the only thing holding you together.

Mia: Saturday. You can take me somewhere nice. How about Masa? I’m sure you can swing a reservation, Mr. Big Dick.

I can’t remember the last time I’ve had a belly laugh from a text conversation – probably never. My exchanges with women are typically short and to the point – when and where we’re fucking, no more. But Mia is different. She’s feisty and doesn’t give into my commands like literally everyone else I come across.

And I like it.

A lot.