Page 99 of Carnal

He arches his eyebrows. "Maybe it's time I meet him."

"Are you my dad now?"

"Not old enough."

"Then don't make comments like you are."

He bends over and inhales. "This is a lot of roses. And they're all red."

"So what? Why are you here so early?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

He smirks. "Oh, we'll get to that in a moment. Does this guy know what the color of roses means?"

"Probably not. You only know since I educated you," I declare.

He grunts. "Good point."

"So? You're here because...?"

Dante sits in a chair. I take my position behind the desk and wait. He presses the pads of his fingertips together, studying me.

It makes me nervous that he knows something. I clear my throat. "What's going on? Is everything okay?"

He waits another moment then says, "Pack a bag."


"I'm sending Tristano and you on a trip," he announces.

My gut flips. I stare at him.

"What's wrong?" he questions.

I clear my throat. "N-nothing. I'm confused."

"Tristano will fill you in," he states, then glances at his watch and rises. "I need to go. Bridget's waiting in the car."

Does he know about us?

What's going on here?

Panic tornados through me. I follow him out of the office. "Where are you sending us?"

"You can pick. Take the day off tomorrow if you want," he adds, confusing me further. He pushes the elevator button.

I reach for his bicep. "Dante, this is bizarre. Why are you sending me on a trip with Tristano?"

"You'll see."

"Can you give me some details, please?" I beg.

The elevator door opens. He steps inside, spins, and shakes his head. "I can't right now. Tristano knows what's going on. Try to have some fun. You work too hard."

"Bridget's having a bad effect on you," I point out.

"Oh? Why?"

"You're too chipper," I assert.