The pilot announces, "We're all cleared for takeoff. Please buckle up. There's due to be some turbulence in the first ten minutes or so. Danika, please halt all services until I turn off the seat belt sign."
I tap the side of the couch. One thing I hate is turbulence. I've flown to many places with Dante, but it still makes me jittery.
Tristano slides his arm around me and turns my head toward him. Mischief gleams in his eyes. "I think we should play poker," he suggests.
I furrow my eyebrows. "Poker?"
"Yep. Winner takes all."
"Sorry. I don't gamble. It's a waste of money."
He jerks his head back. "Are you serious?"
"But you went to Vegas last year with your friends," he states.
I scoff. "So? There's more to do in Vegas besides gamble."
"Sure. But you didn't walk by a slot machine and play a few rounds?"
I shake my head as the plane speeds down the runway. "Nope."
Doubt fills his face. He asks, "What's that all about?"
"Not gambling?"
The feeling I used to get as a child appears. I hate it. No matter how successful I become, it always creeps up at unexpected times. I answer, "I wasn't raised like you."
"You know."
"No, I don't. Why don't you clarify?" he demands.
The plane levels in the air, shaking, but not as bad as I've experienced in the past.
I blurt out, "I wasn't raised with a silver spoon in my mouth."
"What are you insinuating?" Tristano questions in a defensive voice.
"Don't get offended."
"How am I supposed to take that?"
"Like the truth," I reply.
He scowls.
I put my hands in the air. "Don't get pissed at me for answering your question."
He exhales deeply. "Fine. Explain how my privileged life makes you not able to gamble when you're in Vegas."
I can't help but snicker. "You did grow up privileged."
"So? Does that make me a bad person?"