Page 57 of Carnal

Tristano slides in then slams the door.

I hurl, "Trust you, huh?"

His face falls. He holds his hands in the air. "Calm down."

The SUV pulls out into traffic. I reach for the door, and Tristano grabs my hand, pulling me back. "What are you doing?"

"I should have known better that you wouldn't keep this between us," I seethe.

"I am. And jumping out into traffic isn't going to keep anything secret," he points out.

I snarl, "How could you tell him?"

"Pina, calm down," he repeats.

"Don't tell me to calm down again," I warn.

"Flex isn't going to tell anyone. You have my word," Tristano declares.

"Sure he won't!"

"Flex doesn't talk. And he promised me, so chill out," Tristano orders.

"If you screw up my career—"

"Do you really think I'd do that?" he accuses.

I breathe through my anger then demand, "Tell me right now where we're going. If you're taking me anywhere I'm not comfortable with, I'm not getting out of this vehicle."

Tristano sits back in the seat, licks his lips, and tilts his head.

"Answer me," I command.

"I'm taking you out of New York," he announces.

I freeze, staring at him.

His arrogance grows. "Still want to accuse me of being stupid?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"We're getting in my jet and flying away from here. No one will know. Flex isn't telling anyone, and neither will my air staff. And you know they understand confidentiality, so stop worrying."

I don't say anything, debating in my head whether I should get on the plane or not.

"Did you prefer we go out in New York?" he asks.

Begrudgingly, I admit, "No. This is better."

"I took all the necessary precautions. I'm not trying to harm you. I'm not that kind of a dick," he asserts.

I release an anxious breath, confessing, "I know you aren't."

"You do?"

I nod. "Yes."

He picks up my hand and kisses the back of it. "Good. Can you stop worrying and trust me, then?"