Page 41 of Carnal

She scoffs. "Don't act like you haven't all used it as your fucking ground since you were eighteen."

My gut flips. I cringe inside. I can't fault her for saying that, but it still sounds horrible, especially when she's sitting next to me naked and the room still smells like sex. After some thought, I finally reply, "I'm not eighteen anymore, nor are my brothers."

"All of you still act like it at times," she declares.

I groan. "Pina, are you, of all people, going to hold this over my head?"

"What are you implying?"

"You work for Dante. You've been going to the club for years and partaking in activities of your choice. It's no different than what we've done."

"Or are still doing," she states.

I grind my molars, unhappy she's tossing all our indiscretions in my face.

"Don't pout," she orders.

"Then stop acting like you're a saint and I'm the devil," I order.

She sighs and looks at the bed.

Several moments pass. I debate which direction to take this conversation and finally break the silence. "I can't do anything about the club. It's for your protection. But I promise you, I'm not going to treat you any differently outside of the bedroom than I have in the past."

She inhales deeply.

I hold up my pinky. "Pinky promise."

She tilts her head but bites on a smile.

I wiggle my finger. "Are you going to leave me hanging all day?"

She laughs and hooks her pinky around mine.

I lean forward and kiss her then ask, "So are we good now? Can you relax and trust me?"

Tense silence fills the air. She swallows hard.

Hurt, I question, "You don't trust me?"

She nods. "No, I trust you."

"Okay, then why the hesitation?"

She gets on her knees and puts her arms around my shoulders. "Nothing has changed. I don't want Dante to know about whatever this is between us."

I don't know how to categorize Pina and me, so I'm not ready to rush out and tell Dante anything. And I definitely don't want to do it until she's comfortable. So I slide my arms around her waist and tug her closer. "You have my word. Everything between us stays a secret until you say otherwise."

"You promise?"

I arch my eyebrows. "Do you want my pinky again?"

She smiles. "No. I'll take your word."

"Good, because I've never lied to you, and I'm not looking to start," I vow.

Her body relaxes, and her eyes light up. "Thank you. Do you want to take a shower?"

I toss her over my shoulder and rise.