Page 164 of Carnal

"Stop! You know that's not the answer. Use your head. Do you want Pina to get hurt?" Luca seethes.

I scrub my hands over my face. Common sense says to listen to Luca, but I've been on edge too long. I admit, "Of course I don't. I just want my girl back."

He cocks his Glock and affirms, "Yeah, and that's what we're gonna do. But you follow my lead."

The SUV pulls into the back alley of the restaurant. I reach for the door handle, but Luca grabs my hand. He orders, "Wait."

My heart pounds harder in my chest. I grind my molars, tapping my fingers on my thighs. Time stands still until Luca's phone buzzes.

He glances at it then says, "Now we can go in." He gets out, I follow, and the dishwasher meets us at the entrance. He says nothing and motions for us to go through.

As Luca stated, there are two cooks, one dishwasher, and two waiters. The waiters nod to Luca and take a tray full of food through another door.

I rush toward it and look through the square glass. My heart almost stops. Pina's sitting at a table with Biagio next to her. She's as beautiful as always but looks like she lost a ton of weight. I can see her bones. Everyone's eating rich Italian food, drinking expensive wine, and laughing. Yet all she has in front of her is a glass of water and a small piece of chicken.

She's so pale, she looks like she might pass out. Most of all, a scared, unhappy expression is on her face. My heart hurts. I clench my fists at my sides and seethe to Lucca, "I'm going in."

"Hold on!" he commands, grabbing my arm. "You do that, and she's dead."

I take several breaths, but it feels like the oxygen isn't getting to my lungs. It takes everything I have not to storm into the next room. I continue watching Pina, willing her to look at me.

She never does. She keeps staring at her plate.

I'm out of patience when the police storm through the restaurant. And I have to give it to Tully. It's not just a few policemen. There are at least a few dozen of them. They have their riot gear on and guns pulled.

"Whoa!" Jacopo shouts, tossing his napkin on the table and rising. He demands, "What the hell's going on here?"

The captain steps forward, asserting, "We're here to arrest your son."

Biagio jumps up from his seat. "What are you talking about?"

The captain continues, "Biagio Abruzzo, you're under arrest for the murder of Guido Berlusconi."

Biagio's eyes widen. "Fuck off. I've done no such thing."

"Put your hands in the air and step away from the table," the captain demands.

"Get the fuck out of my engagement party," Biagio states, then yanks Pina up next to him.

Three men step in front of Biagio and Pina. The rest of the Abruzzo men rise with their guns pulled.

Jacopo steps in front of him. "Listen, boys, I don't know who you think you are coming in here and throwing out accusations, but I can assure you this is not happening. Now, get your pig asses out of this building."

Two more men form a wall around Biagio and Pina. They begin to move back toward the kitchen.

"Don't move!" the captain shouts.

The sound of guns cocking fills the air. Biagio and Pina continue to get pushed back until they're shoved through the door.

The chefs step in front of me and fire their guns, killing the men who formed the wall. They all drop to the ground and blood pools around them. The restaurant fills with screams.

My brothers rush into the kitchen from the alleyway.

Biagio's eyes widen, and Luca pulls Pina away from him.

He charges at me, but I'm prepared. I slam my fist into his face.

Blood spurts everywhere. His nose moves to the side of his cheek. He takes a few steps back, then regains his balance.