"Come on, baby girl. This has gone on longer than it should have, and we both know it," I insist.
She squares her shoulders. "We had a deal. Don't you dare change it on me now!"
Anger flies through me. I seethe, "Aren't you sick of hiding?"
"Of course I am!"
"Do you really love me?"
"You know I love you," she claims.
"Then prove it. Go out there right now and come clean to Dante," I order.
She gapes at me.
It only adds to my vexation. I accuse, "You're never going to tell him, are you?"
"Of course I am."
"I don't believe you."
"I will," she maintains.
"Then do it now."
Her face turns red. "No. We agreed—"
"No, you convinced me, and I was stupid enough to go along with it. Enough is enough, Pina. I miss you. I'm tired of hiding. The last thing I'm going to do is spend the weekend pretending we're just platonic!" I explode.
She pushes my chest. "We aren't doing this here. I'm going back to my table. When Dante's back from his honeymoon, that's when we'll tell him."
"No. It's now, or you can keep me your dirty little secret forever," I state.
She freezes. Tense silence fills the air. She finally replies, "You don't mean that."
"I do, Pina. I've been patient long enough. It's come-clean time, or we're done," I proclaim.
Hurt fills her expression. A few moments pass, and she stands taller, then steps away from me. "I'm not going to take ultimatums from you, Tristano. We had a deal. If you can't follow through, then that's on you." She turns on the water and washes her hands, avoiding me.
My insides shake so hard, I swallow down bile. I stare at her until she pulls at the towels then quietly say, "Fine. You made your choice."
"No! I'm done," I assert, then leave the restroom. I go directly to the bar, order a shot of sambuca, and down it. For the rest of the night, I avoid Pina, go through the motions, then leave as soon as possible.
I get in the front seat with Flex, and my phone vibrates. I glance at the screen.
Pina:You aren't being fair.
Me:You made your choice.
Pina:Don't do this. I love you.
Me:People who love people don't hide them.
Pina:Just stick to the deal we agreed to.
Me:Deals are meant to be broken when they no longer make sense.