Page 128 of Carnal

"Fuuuuck," he mumbles in my neck. His cock pumps hard, stretching me farther, adding more pleasure to my high.

Turbulence hits, shaking the plane. A loud rattle hits my ears, and I barely hear Tristano and me trying to catch our breaths.

He stays inside me, releasing my wrists and curling his arms under my body. The warmth of his body merges into my skin.

I clutch his shoulders tightly. An aftermath of electric zings slowly fades.

The reality of what just happened hits me. He pecks me on the lips, turns us on our sides facing each other, then cocoons his leg and arm over my body. He drags his finger over my forehead, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. Bright flecks dance against the darkness of his orbs.

I confess, "I don't know why I'm so scared, Tristano."

His fingers caress my cheek. "I don't, either, baby girl."

I tear up. "I do love you. Please believe me."

He inhales deeply and pulls me closer. "I do, but I'm tired of hiding."

I nod, tears dripping down my face. And I hate that I'm crying. I normally have control of my emotions. Right now, I have none. "I think about this. All the time."

"Listen to me. We need to come clean. My family will welcome you with open arms. Trust me. Besides, you know they love you already," he claims firmly.

"Dante and your Papà..." I swallow the lump in my throat. I worked so hard to earn their respect. The line I crossed with Tristano is so unprofessional, I don't see how they'll ever think of me the same again.

"Love you and will get over it," he insists.

I close my eyes, muttering, "You don't understand."

Anger laces his voice when he orders, "Don't go back on your word, Pina. If you do, I can't stay."

I open my eyes then freeze.

Tension grows between us. The engine's whirring fills the room, adding to the strained silence.

He adds, "I want to marry you, and I won't continue doing this in secret anymore."

Panic grips me. My former thoughts to tell Dante today reappear, but I chicken out. I beg, "You said you'd give me until after the wedding. Please!"

Tristano clenches his jaw.

"I just need until then. He's already stressed about the wedding. Please. I promise I'll tell everyone," I vow.

Tristano palms my cheek. "I'll keep my word. But don't test me on this. We either move forward, or there's no point to us continuing this."

My gut flips so fast that I have to swallow down bile. The thought of losing Tristano is unbearable. I hold his face, pledging, "My future is with you. I promise after the wedding I'll tell everyone."

He studies me a moment. Every second that passes makes my chest tighten further. He finally responds, "Good, baby girl." He kisses me, and I put everything into it, trying to show him how much he means to me.

We settle under the covers and sleep the rest of the flight. When we land, the driver takes the four of us to the Marino estate. Everything is fine until we get inside. Dante steps out of his office with his papà and Gianni. Massimo swiftly guides Katiya past them and up the stairs. The Marino men's hardened expressions aren't anything I'm not used to seeing, but something makes me nervous about it today.

"Tristano! We need to talk after we meet with Papà. You, too, Pina," Dante claims, then motions for him to go into the office.

Angelo steps forward and hugs me. "Pina, I'm glad you're all right."

"I'm fine," I assure him, hugging him back while willing myself to keep my emotions together.

He kisses me on the cheek. "Excuse me while I deal with things."
