"We're moving men around, but we just discovered more traitors," I seethe.
Pina's face turns as angry as I feel. "Why do you think that keeps happening?"
"We shouldn't have ever allowed our organization to get this thin," I mutter, pissed that Papà keeps waiting for Giuseppe Berlusconi, the head of the Mafia in Italy, to fulfill his commitment to send more men. My father's loyalty to Giuseppe isn't one my brothers and I mirror. None of us understand why Papà continues to allow Giuseppe to give him orders. The last time the fat prick visited our home was before Mamma died. He didn't even come to her funeral, and it didn't go unnoticed by my brothers and me.
Pina puts her forehead on my hand. "Ugh. I don't want to feel like this."
"Hey. I don't, either, but it's important you listen to your gut." I pull my phone out of my pocket and swipe the screen then press the button for Dante.
"Who are you calling?" she asks.
I hold my finger in the air.
Dante answers, "Tristano, did you do it?"
"Yeah. One more to go, but I'll finish in a moment. I'm calling on another matter," I state.
His voice deepens. "What's wrong?"
I stroke the side of Pina's knee and lock eyes with her. "Did you sort out Pina's security?"
He sighs. "No. I've been in a meeting with Bridge and the wedding planner, but we still don't have anyone to move right now."
"Biagio assaulted Pina. We need to sort this out ASAP!"
Dante growls. "Yeah, I know, trust me. But you know the situation."
I tap my fingers on my thigh then assert, "Until we can find the right security, I'll watch her. It's not safe for her to be unguarded."
Dante clears this throat. "I agree. But you can't do it on your own. You have responsibilities, too."
He has a good point. I go through options in my mind and then state, "I'll arrange with you, Gianni, or Massimo to watch her if I can't. You've got so much security during the workday that she'll be fine without any of us there. It's mostly if she steps out of the building and on nights and weekends."
Several moments pass. He replies, "My next few weekends are packed with wedding stuff and the kids' activities. But I can skip some things to help out."
"Don't do that. I can handle it," I claim.
He hesitates, igniting my nerves.
I relay, "My schedule is pretty open, but I can let you know if I need backup."
"Are you sure? I know it's a lot to ask, but you're right. We can't leave her a sitting duck for the Abruzzos to go after."
"Yep. No problem. You keep your schedule. It's just temporary anyway until we figure out who we can move to guard her," I casually add.
Dante lets out a frustrated breath. "Okay. Thanks. I appreciate it. I'm going to be home in about ten minutes. I'll discuss this with Papà as well."
"Sounds good."
"So, where did Pina pick?" Dante questions.
"Sunshine and saltwater. I'm jealous," he admits.
I chuckle. "Have fun with the snow. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I hang up and toss my phone on the couch.
Pina says in a distressed tone, "Dante wasn't suspicious of you volunteering to look after me?"