Page 105 of Carnal

"Good. Then why don't we—"

"Excuse me for interrupting. The flight plan has been approved. We'll be in the air in about five minutes," Danika states.

I pin my gaze on her. "Thanks. I need to talk to the pilots really quick." I release my arms from around Pina.

She chirps, "Hey, Danika! Can you give me your opinion on something?"

"Sure. On what?"

Pina takes a seat on the couch and pats the cushion next to her. "Pop a squat. I need to pull some bathing suits up so you can tell me what to order." She opens her purse and takes out her phone.

"I need to get things ready for takeoff," Danika claims.

"It'll just take a minute. Please!" Pina begs, holding her hands in a prayer pose.

Danika nervously looks at me.

"Go ahead. If you don't help her, she'll be jittery the entire trip," I tease.

"Hey!" Pina exclaims.

I chuckle. "I'll be back soon." I go into the other cabin, shut the door so it's only open halfway, then crouch near seat five. I do the same thing I did to seat eight in the middle cabin then peek my head into the cockpit, inquiring, "All settled in? Anything you aren't familiar with that I should be concerned about?"

Jeffrey and Matthew, two former Air Force pilots, turn their heads. Jeffrey says, "It's a few years older than yours, but nothing we can't handle."

"Great." I nod and return to the middle cabin.

Pina sees me and claims, "I'll get that one, then. Thanks so much!"

Danika rises. "No problem. Is there anything I can get you before we take off?"

"I'm good," I answer.

"Me, too," Pina declares.

Danika smiles. "I'll finish preparing for our flight, then." She leaves.

I shut the door and then sit next to Pina. "Thanks for covering."

Pina feigns a yawn. "No problem. All in a day's work."

I chuckle. "So, what suit are you getting?"

She pulls up a thong bikini. It's dark purple with a maroon flower pattern.

"Nice," I state, trying not to drool, imagining how she'll look in it.

"Don't worry. I got you the matching Speedo," she declares.

I grunt. "Speedo?"


"I'm more of a trunks kind of guy," I state.

She pouts, dragging her finger over my shoulder. "But you'll wear it for me, right?"

I lean back in the seat. "Are you serious? You want me to wear a Speedo?"