I can't see him turning to the Abruzzos, but I think everyone is on edge with all the traitors we've recently found in our family.
It makes my stomach flip thinking about all this, but there's only one way to know what's going on with Massimo. So I told him I needed to borrow his plane while mine got serviced, informed my pilots and Danika, and gave his team time off.
Pina's eyes widen. "Why would you bug Massimo's plane?"
My chest tightens. I stare at her, unable to even say it out loud.
But I don't have to. She's smart enough to figure it out, and it only takes a moment before I can see the lightbulb going off in her brain. "This has to do with Katiya, doesn't it?"
Pina cautiously asks, "And what are you hoping to find?"
"IhopeI find nothing," I declare.
She opens her mouth, shuts it, then tilts her head. She lowers her voice and questions, "And what are you scared you might find?"
My stomach rolls faster, like a ball free-falling down a hill. "Don't make me say it."
She arches her eyebrows. "You think Massimo would betray you and join the Abruzzos?"
"Do I think? No. Is it possible? Anything is at this point."
She scoffs. "No. Not Massimo. You're crazy thinking such thoughts!"
I hold my hands in the air. "I know. Like I said, I don't believe it, but there's too much going on." Flex pulls up to the runway, and I open the door as soon as he stops. Jumping out, I reach in for Pina.
Shock still fills her expression. She takes my hand, and I guide her into the plane.
Danika greets us, chirping, "Where should I tell the pilots you want to go?"
"Where do you want to go, Pina?"
She gapes at me. "Ummm...?"
"It's your call," I add.
Pina glances at the runway then turns back. "Okay. Let's go somewhere warm."
"What part?"
She takes out her phone, swipes the screen, then studies it. She looks up, beaming. "Miami."
"Done. Good choice," I praise.
"I'll reserve your hotel and let you know when the flight plan is approved," Danika states, then hands a glass of champagne to Pina and a beer to me.
"Thanks." I lead Pina to the middle of the plane, and we sit on the couch.
She takes a sip of her bubbly drink then scoots closer. She puts her fingers on my shoulder, fretting, "How did I end up on this plane with you?"
"Don't freak out," I instruct.
She releases a breath. "Then tell me why Dante paired me up with you on this. It's not like you couldn't do it alone."