Page 64 of Carnal

"I never said you were," Pina claims.

"Mr. Marino. Can I get something for you?" Danika asks, magically appearing.

"Another round," I order, motioning to our drinks.

She smiles. "Can I take your plates? Or are you still working on them?"

I pick up my plate and hand it to her, announcing, "I'm finished. Thank you."

She takes it and asks, "Pina, what about you?"

"Oh, I'm finishing this. In fact"—she reaches for my plate—"why don't you leave this here? It's a sin to let food this good go to waste!"

"Okay. Two drinks coming up. And have at it," Danika teases, setting my plate next to the basket of naan. She leaves.

"You aren't going to eat that," I claim.

Pina snorts then shoves a large piece of naan dripping in tikka masala sauce in her mouth. She groans, chews for what seems like forever, then swallows. She chirps, "Watch me."

"You'll feel sick if you eat all that," I warn.

She rolls her eyes. "Are you the food police?"


"Then let me overindulge in my Indian in peace," she demands.

Danika reappears with drinks. She sets them down and asks, "Can I get you anything else?"

"Maybe a barf bag for Pina," I taunt.

Pina elbows me in the rib cage.

"Ow!" I grimace.

"Don't be disgusting," she orders.

Danika snickers. "I guess I'll hold off on the bag. If you need anything else, I'm your girl!"

"Thanks, Danika. Any clue where we're going?" Pina inquires.

Danika holds her hands in the air. "Sorry! I'm under strict orders to zip my lips."

"Just give us a tiny hint," Pina says, holding her thumb and pointer finger an inch apart.

Danika glances at me.

"Under no uncertain terms are you to tell her anything," I relay.

"Sorry, Pina," Danika states, then turns and goes to her area of the plane.

"You're no fun," Pina pouts.

I chuckle. "You're more like Dante than I am."

"Am not," she claims.

"Are too," I insist.